13• What the frick frack snick snack

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A/N: In this zack is older than Tyler, around 18-19

Fun fact: I used to be apart of a religion a few years ago and have read the bible and studied it. Weird right?
With that being said...continue reading my gay fic stuff.

Tyler's pov

I was struggling.
Life was difficult.
It's impossible.
How can I get through this.
I'm never going to be able to do this.
Lord help me.

I carefully lowered the silver object down and with one swift movement I drove that fork straight down only to completely miss the pea I was trying to capture.
I repeatedly stabbed the fork about my plate trying to get the peas on it only to have some of them fling off the plate.

After deciding I had failed for the final time I just mixed the peas in with my mash potato. Take that peas boom I win!

I stuffed a big mouthful of it into my mouth and looked up at everyone at the table to see zack was looking at me weirdly.

'What?' I asked only using facial expressions as my mouth was full.

He shook his head and went back to cutting up his steak so I tried to shrug it off and kept shovelling more food in.

Well that was weird, wonder what his problem is.
What if he can hear my thoughts?
What does he know?
He knows something.
Am I being too obvious that something's up?

I slowed down my chewing before swallowing thickly and cautiously peeking over at zack. He was happily eating away and not paying attention to me anymore.

You see I've been a little on edge this afternoon.
You know when you've done something that you know absolutely no one can know about, so then you're just super paranoid that somehow someone's going to find out or they're just going to be able to tell you're hiding something by looking at you?
This has been me all afternoon.
It's not the first time I've felt like this, and normally this all comes about with the aid of a certain punk looking hot douche bag.

I'm always super concerned that somehow they're going to suspect I've been being gay, hence why I overthink stupid things like 'maybe they can hear my thoughts'.

But what if they can?
That's why they're all being quiet right now because they're all listening in to my brain activity.

I looked about at everyone, trying to see if they were giving off any indication that they could be listening to my thoughts right now.

Mom I know you can hear me.
I thought in my brain as i stared at mom.
She didn't flinch or make any moment, which relieved me because now I know she can't hear me.
Unless she's a really good actor...

What if parents can actually hear their children's thoughts..
Oh god no that would be the worst thing!

Why am I even thinking about this, is this how paranoid I am? Yeesh.

I became aware of a little elbow that kept nudging me, it was madi's who was sat beside me and was trying to eat her dinner as quickly as possible so she could get back to playing.

I snicker a little and nudged her in the side as pay back.

"So is she cute?" Zack asked casually not looking up from his plate.

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