19• Inconveniences

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Josh's pov   

I stuffed all of my shit into my backpack, which consisted of one overly sharpened pencil, an overweight textbook, and a falling to pieces note book that was filled with random scribbles rather than actually work.
I only need a couple notes to get the general idea, I don't need to fill my brain up with all the other unnecessary bullshit to confuse me. As long as I know how to pass the assignment then that's all I need.
All you really need to do to pass anything is just memorise everything at the last minute so you have no time to forget it all.

I walked out of the classroom with kids slumping past me out the door along with me.
It was Friday, so this was to be expected, everyone's just waiting for the day to end so they can go home and get two days of sleeping and binge eating done until they're forced to do this all again.

I was still unsure on how I was going to spend this weekend, but I couldn't be bothered pondering on it right now.

I walked my way over to the canteen and got myself a bottle of water and began drinking it as I went walking off outside to smoke.

I passed a table where all the lanky basket ball guys where sitting around, probably along with tyler. I didn't bother paying attention to them, as tyler was none of my concern outside of the bedroom now.
I just swung my head back and drunk in half of the water in the bottle as I walked.

Speaking of tyler, I made him leave my house yesterday afternoon by telling him my mom was going to be home soon.
Which wasn't necessarily a lie, but it was a good excuse to get him out of my house so we didn't have that snuggle or intimate stage after making eachother cum. Because obviously he's just my fuck buddy, not an actually buddy that I'd have here to chill and hang out with.

Not that I'm apposed to being on casual buddy terms, but that's out of the question due to the fact that we are on the rules of 'not being seen hanging around eachother' due to his reputation.
It's better this way, if I randomly started hanging around him all those lanky fuckwits in his team would question things.
The jocks are a clique that people like me aren't supposed to mix with.

Just as I turned the corner of the side of the building I stopping in my tracks.
"Fuck." I breathed as I suddenly remembered I had finished my last cigarette and was all out.

Well, Now I feel like a part of me is missing.

I slumped back against the wall with a long exhale.

Looks like I'll be finding a way to get some more this weekend.
But now I had nothing to do, and a make out session with tyler wasn't going to be happening as he's with his 'friends'.
I sat down on the concrete and pulled out my text book.
I was going to be dull and boring and look over what I had to do for homework.

A second later I was ready to toss the textbook into the dirt.

"There you are!" I heard someone yell.

The yelling wasn't directed at me so I didn't care and continued aimlessly flicking through the book.

"You're the fucking prick that's been going around telling everyone that you're hooking up with my girl." The male voice said angrily.

Sensing a school fight was about to go down I looked up from my school book and out into the court yard where the commotion was starting to take place.

A tallish bigger built guy wearing a football Jersey was stood in front of the table of basket ballers.

See that's the problem with being 'popular' there's just drama drama drama, all the time. And who has wants to put up with all of that?

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