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I cannot believe that I am celebrating my wedding reception right now.  RJ has never removed his hands from mine ever since he put his ring on my finger.  And if ever he needs to release or if I need to, he is in constant search for it. 

As we sit under the makeshift pergola where our special table is situated,  I can't help but admire the hard work our wedding planner, Gillian and her team has put into just to make our reception beautiful.  The Basco Lighthouse, the picturesque green hills of Naidi, the calm waves of the Pacific Ocean and the dusk colored skies of orange, pink and blues in the horizon serves as our backdrop.   

There's no more perfect ending to our wedding day than to be under the perfect skies of Batanes and I really thank God for giving us the perfect weather.

Gillian and her team has set up our reception on the grounds of Basco Lighthouse.  Makeshift posts were built to accommodate the sheer vanilla cloth that serves as a tent; never ending string of lights were strewn together and is hanging above us; solar powered lamps are rooted on the ground to give our guests a lighted walkway; and soft field lights are set on a temporary scaffolding to help illuminate the grounds.

Six long tables that sits our one hundred and twenty guests are set side by side and are decorated with a runner low centerpieces that are made with grey, white and lilac roses, white hydrangeas and peonies.   Different sized hurricane candle holders are also placed in between the centerpieces. Vines of white flowers and cedar pine tree leaves are strewn on the back of the Tiffany chairs that are specially transported here in Basco by the party rentals.

The decorations really gives a very romantic, chic and vintage atmosphere.  And I truly love it.  This is how I really envisioned it to be.  The string quartet plays tunes that sets the mood. 

We opted not to have a set program for the reception since RJ's life before me is already scripted.  I told him that I prefer spontaneity,  our guests can do whatever they want. 

I am glad that even though my guests are only a handful they have blended well with RJ's guests which mostly consists of his family, closest friends from his showbiz career and management.    Like right now,  Audrey is speaking animatedly with some guy and his wife whom I know is a host from his noon time show.  I was already introduced to them and I think the wife's name is Pia.

"Babe, are you alright?"  I heard RJ whisper in my ear. 

I turned to look at him and caresses his dimpled cheek.

"Yes, I am babe.  I am just trying to savor the moment.  I wanted to remember everything, the sound, the sight and the feel of this day.  This is the perfect day, babe.  Absolutely magical."  I tell him. 

He leaned in and kissed me on the lips,  giving me shivers.

"Are you cold?"  He asked.

"No babe,  it's your kiss.  It does that to me."  I confessed, giving him a shy smile.

He touched our foreheads together and linked our hands again. 

"Hey lovebirds,  how are you both doing?"  Stacey came up from behind us, giving us both a kiss on the cheek.

"Awesome Stacey,  I should be the one to ask you.  How are you and Matt and the rest of the family?"  I asked.

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