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"Babe,  I'm not so sure about this."  I tell my husband.  I am really worried on what he's about to do and frustrated because he doesn't want to listen!

"Mahal naman, do you think I will let something happen to our son?  I will make sure na he's secured and protected, okay?"

"Alright."  I finally conceded, kissing Sebastian's forehead.  He is already squirming out from my arms and wanting to be with his daddy.

"Just enjoy this and make sure na you're recording it.  I want to watch his reaction."  He tells me,  taking his son and kissing my temple. "I promise I will go slow."

"Okay Jason, set us up!"  He said, turning to Jason. 

I moved two steps back so Jason can set them up. He moved to the side, so RJ can go ahead and put Sebastian on the seat, he had specially made for the two-seater jet ski that he bought immediately after we closed on the beach front property.

Yes, jet ski!

And that jet ski is the main reason why we are here today, because the jet ski was delivered two days ago and he was so anxious to ride it, which he already did, by the way,  the first hour we got in yesterday late afternoon.

He bought three, one for him- a more complicated model, one for me- a little girly, and the custom made one for him and Sebastian and our future kids.

Boys and their toys! What can I say?

"Okay mommy! We are going for a ride." RJ tells me. I look at them and started nibbling on my nails. "Hey, come here." He said, reaching for my hand, he probably felt my uneasiness and not faking it. I walk to him and place my hand to his.

"Stop worrying, we will be fine. Look at your son, he is already enjoying this."

Yes, he's right, Sebastian is already beaming. This kid got the love of the water from me. Both his hands are holding the neoprene covered metal bar in front of him. He is securely strapped and his life vest is safely worn over his itsy bitsy teenie weenie blue and yellow rash guard. He looks so cute.

And so is his dad. RJ is wearing the same matching blue and yellow rash guard over his black board shorts.  The elastic material of the rash guard molds his pecs, abs and bicep muscles to perfection.  Yum!

"Checking me out again huh?" He teased, grabbing me by the waist, pulling me against him.

"Oh shush!"  I am so busted! "You go ahead, before I change my mind!" I tell him, giving him a quick kiss on the lips and walking over to Sebastian, kissing him too.

I started walking backwards away from them and turned towards the sand.  I hugged the towel I was holding against my chest and watch as my husband and son get ready for their first father-and-son jet ski experience. 

I readied my video app and focused the camera towards them. 

"Wave to mommy Ashten!"  I heard RJ shout as he waved our son's hand towards me. 

Both their faces are beaming with excitement - eyes squinting and dimples showing.  They look so happy and I love that. 

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