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"Look Ashten!" Maine screamed as she tickles our son's tummy. Ashten is squirming in my arm, trying to get out of his mommy's tickling spree. We are outside by the deck, enjoying the New Year's Eve fireworks all across the city.

"Mama, shtop! Pish!" Ashten tells his mom, giggling.

"What will make Mama stop, Ashten?" I asked him.

"Ashten give Mama kish!" Our son replies, puckering his lips so he can give his mommy a kiss.

Our son is growing so fast. At one year and seven months, his Pediatrician says that he is advanced in both mental and physical growth. Although he still can't say the words properly, he knows his ABC's and he can count from one to thirty. He can recite and sing a few nursery rhymes.

And that's all because Maine is a very good mother. She is so patient with him and I always see them reading. I think her next project is to convert a part of the playroom into a library.

I look at my son and my wife exchanging a loving kiss as the fireworks in the horizon serves as their backdrop.

"Ooh!" Maine cringes as she touches the side of her tummy.

"Babe, what's the matter?" I asked walking closer to her.

Marie upon seeing Maine's action, walked up to us and takes Ashten from me.

"Miss Maine are you okay?"

Maine cringes again and touches her belly.

"Babe, you're worrying me." I tell her as I guide her to the nearest chair so she can sit.

"I'm okay, your daughter is just so strong, sheez! When she kicks, it's like she's trying to rip my skin open!" She whines.

"Uh-oh! I think we have a taekwondo champion in the making." I tell her kissing the top of her head while caressing the side of her tummy and just then our daughter gave another kick.

"Whoa! Easy baby girl." I tell her.

Yes, Maine is pregnant again. She is almost eight months on the way and we are having a baby girl this time.  I got Maine knocked up  as soon as Ashten turned one year old. 

Iron Man has been working so hard not to mess with Maine since the doctor advised us to take a break after what she went through with the delivery of our little boy. So we really stick to plan and just play around when it is safe.

But as soon as we got the go signal,  ooh baby!  Iron Man worked and he worked big time!   We are expecting our baby girl end of February and we are so excited. 

The doctor has already scheduled the caesarean operation on February 24th.  Maine and I already agreed that after the ordeal she went through delivering Ahsten,  she is not going through that again.  I just can't take seeing her experiencing that kind of pain again.  I almost lost her and Ashten, so its not going to happen.

Even our little boy is excited to welcome his baby sister.  Ever since he felt her move inside his mommy's tummy,  he became so overprotective of them both.  When he sees his
mommy on her foot,  he'll immediate ask her to sit down.  And he'll stay with her and keep her company.

Did I tell you our little boy is smart? 

"Anak, eto na yung barbecue na order mo."  My dad say, walking up to us.  He hands a plate to Maine with sticks of pork barbecue on it.

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