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"Babe! Babe!" I whisper-shouted, waving my hand at Maine. I was trying really hard to get my wife's attention, who is talking animatedly to our personal chef Lisa.

"Babe! Babe!" I whisper-shouted to her again.

"Yes babe?" She asked, turning her attention towards me.

"Finally!" I tell her, rolling my eyes. "Look!"

Walking, so she can see what I was pointing at, she was amazed at what she saw.

"Oh my God babe! Is he trying to stand up?" She whisper-shrieked, as she watch our son trying to maneuver his body so he can stand up. 

Totoy is just outside the pen, jumping up and down as if trying to coach him.  These two has bonded so well.  Totoy acting as Ashten's bodyguard.  Everywhere he goes,  you'll find Totoy lagging behind him.

"Yes! But just be quiet, look he's trying to figure out how to reach the bar of his playpen." 

"Is it safe for him to do that?" 

Totoy is barking so loud, making Ashten to squeal with glee.

"Well, if he wants to do it,  I think it is. It's his body." 

"Ma'am?"  Nurse Marie said, behind us.

"Shhh!"  Both Maine and I shushed her at the same time.

Nurse Marie looked at what we were looking and gasped.

"I knew it! Ashten is really so advanced." She commented.

"But it's okay though? It won't t harm his bones right?" My wife asked Marie, between the two of us, she's more protective of him when it come to his health,

"Yes, it's his natural instinct that's telling him to do specific things. Merong mga bata na medyo advanced lang sa iba. And I think Ashten is one. He sat on his own at five months."

"Oh look! He is trying really hard to reach for the bars!" My wife says, looking at our son adoringly.

"What's going on?" Lisa asked.

"Shhh!" Marie, Maine, and I simultaneously shushed her.

And then it happened. His tiny hands has reached the bar and he was able to pull himself up. When he realized he has done it, he shrieked so loud, overjoyed with his victory.

Marie and Lisa clapped, while I am grinning from ear to ear, holding my phone camera and recording everything. When I look at my wife, her hands are over her mouth and tears are streaming down her cheeks.

"Hey, babe. Why are you crying?" I went to her and engulfed her in my arms, tucking her under my chin.

"I am just happy. Our baby is doing things on his own, and seeing him so healthy and happy, I am just so overwhelmed."

"I know babe. Look at your son, he is dancing! Ha ha ha!"

She walk towards him and he squealed with delight upon seeing his mom.

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