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Today is the day that RJ is going back to work. I got up before him because I wanted to make sure that he has everything he needs.

Although, I know MamaTen is there to do all that, I just want to perform my wife duties before anything else.

Also, RJ didn't know that last night, on our way back here from our new house, I decided that I will go with him to work today. I'm sure he'll be elated, but then again, I do not know if I am allowed to go with him. I am really not sure how the system works in show business, maybe I should ask him first.

"Where are you?" I heard my husband calls out from the bed.

I emerge from the closet, and found him sprawled on the bed lying on his tummy. I sit next to him. He turns his head and wraps his arms around my thighs and places his head on my lap.

"Where did you go?" He asks.

"In the closet, I'm just making sure you got everything you need. And I'm looking for something to wear." I said, caressing his cheeks. He really has a gorgeous face.

"Huh? Where are you going this early?" He asks, his head not leaving my lap.

"With you." I murmured.

I see his lips slowly smiling and his dimples getting deeper.

"You are?" He lifts his head from my lap and sits up.

"Yes, I thought I will go with you to work today, for support but of course only if I am allowed. Is it okay?"

"Okay? Of course it's okay! Of course it's allowed! It's amazing! I wanted to ask you to go with me but I don't want to pressure you. Thanks mahal ko. You made me very happy. Now I'm more motivated to go to work." He wraps me in his arms, hugging me tight.

"Okay up you go! We don't want you to be late on your first day back."


We arrived at the studio with an hour and a half to spare. Sam was waiting for RJ by the door where the talents uses. Looking up from his phone, he smiles when he sees RJ's van. He's not aware that I am joining him today. As soon as the van pulls to a stop, one of the studio security opens the door.

''Oh my God! Maine you're here!'' Sam exclaims, causing some people to look our way. Sam and I are already developing a very friendly relationship too.

There are some fans loitering in the area and when they heard Sam's scream, they hurriedly converge around the van, screaming RJ's actor name.


Alden Richards.

It just hits me that this is my husband's other life, and I am about to enter it. Crossing my finger, I am going to face this, headfirst.

The studio security, realizing what's going on, immediately controls the crowd so we can get out of the van and enter the studio.

RJ takes my hand, helping me out.

''Babe, stay in front of me so I can see and secure you okay?" He tells me, protectively circling his arms around me.

I nod.

We walk the short distance to the door, but before we enter, RJ turns us both around and wave to the crowd, his fans started screaming. Well, I guess seeing his face coupled with Raybans and his dimples, who wouldn't? I would.

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