New School, New Life

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I walked into the school and the cool air slapped me in the face. I stopped walking to let the new school sink in. I glanced to my left and saw the nerds with their noses buiried deep in a book, stopping occasionally to push up their glasses.

I looked to my right and saw the geeks talking with one another. They looked and dressed differently, and you can definetly spot them out of a big crowd. But they still looked like they belong.

I was pushed out of my thoughts when I heard laughter. I saw that further down the hall there was the jocks in their football uniforms and the cheerleaders in their uniforms. I'm not suprised. It looks natural for the cheerleaders and the jocks to be hanging around eachother.

I started to head towards my locker and saw the, let me guess, mean girls. They were applying makeup in the mirrors of their lockers. Like they need any more of it.

I continued on until I got to my locker. I opened it using my combination and I started to get my books out. I heard small laughter so I turned to the source.

Ah yes, the bad group. You can't have a school without them. There were 3 boys and 2 girls. They were wearing leather jackets and chains. The usual.

I ignored them and continued on in my locker. Thats when I heard more laughter. I turned to them again to find them looking at me.

"Is there a problem?" I asked with some attitude.

The laughing stopped all together.

"Do you know who you're dealing with here? No one talks to us like that." A boy said from the group sending me a death glare.

Who do they think they are? Do they really think that I'm scared of them?

"Obviously someone should." I said, slammed my locker shut and walked away.

I walked to my first class and I could feel them shooting death glares at my back.

It gets me mad how people think that they have more power over someone. Go ahead, beat me up. I dare you. I can sue your little butt.

I walked in the classroom and sat down in the third row by the window. Maybe I should try to be one of the really smart kids. I think there is a club for that. I can make glasses work.

A girl with long red hair and green eyes suddenly sat down next to me.

"Hi!" She said very excitedly.

"Hi." I said giggling at her happiness.

"This is math class right? I always end up getting lost. Sometimes at the mall, I purposely get lost so I can shop more." She said, talking as if we have been friends for years.

"Oh my cheeseballs. Where are my manners?" She said face palming.

"My name's Abbigail. But you can call me Abby." She said holding her hand out for me to shake.

I liked her immediately.

"Avalon. But you can call me Ava." I said and shook her hand.

"Okay class, today is a very busy day." The teacher said as she sat down at her desk. The name tag read Mrs. Jones with an apple next to it.

An apple on a teachers desk? Seriously? How can this school get any more stereotypical.

"My name is Mrs. Jones and these are your textbooks." She said as she held up a pile of math books.

"Can I have a volunteer to pass these around?" Mrs. Jones asked.

"I will Mrs. Jones!" A blonde cheerleader said.

She walked up to her desk and took the books and started to pass them around.

"I expect these to be returned to me in the same condition as you got them." Mrs. Jones said as the girl passed them around.

The girl stopped when she got to me. I sat there nervously as she studied my face.

"Hmm. Interesting." She said as she finally dropped my book and walked away.

"You can take this time to get to know your classmates."

It wasn't long until the class started chatting.

"What was that all about?" Abby asked.

"I don't know..." I said still trying to process what just happened.

"Oh! You're the girl who gave Aaron some attitude."

"What? Who's Aaron?" I asked.

"The schools worst badboy." Abby said in a duh tone.

"Is that why everyone was staring at me? Geez, it was only 2 sentences."

"Ya, but thats 2 more than anyone has ever spoken to them."

Wow, gossip goes around fast in this school.


"Wait! Lemme see your schedule." Abby said.

I gave it to her and she read it over.

"Cool we have some classes together." Abby said with a smile.

"Okay, see you around" I said and walked away.


My next classes went by fast.

It was now lunch and I was walking in with Abby. I felt eyes on me as I walked by but I ignored them. We got our lunches and sat down at a table.

I took the time to look around and I saw the cheer table. The table where all the cheerleaders sit, gossiping, and giggling.

I used to be on a gymnastics team. I am also a dancer, since I was three. Maybe I should try out for the cheer team.

"What are you thinking about?" Abby asked me.

"Do you think I should try out for cheer?" I asked her.

"Well you definitely have the attitude for it." She said laughing.

"Can't argue with that." I said shrugging and joining in on her laughter.

"Ya. You should try out. I think you'd be great at it." Abby said with a smile. "Try outs are today after school."

I took a bite out of my sandwich.

"Okay. I'm gonna try out after school." I said with my mouth full.

Abby looked at me and laughed at my poor manners.

I think I just made a new friend.


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