Getting Popular

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I'm walking through the hallway with Emma and I am so cunfuzzled. (Cunfused and puzzled.) Haha get it? Its wordplay!

"Hey, Avalon." A random girl says.

"What's up, Ava?" A guy askes.

"Avalon! My girl! How you doin'?" Another guy says.

I finally get to my locker and open it.

"AVA IN THE HOUSE!" A guy yells which scares the crap out of me.

Then everyone else yells 'aye'.

"Wow, looks like someones Miss.Popular." Emma says opening her locker. She has the locker next to mine, luckily.

"I have no idea how these people know me." I said, still trying to figure it out.

"It's because they think they have someone who has the guts to stand up to Aaron." Abby said popping up next to us.

I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"Abby! Don't do that!" I yelled.

"Sorry." She said sheepishly.

"Okay, now that I got my heart pumping again." I said glaring at Abby. "Emma, this is Abby. Abby, this is Emma." I said.



"Arn't you the girl I saw wandering around the mall like a lost puppy last week?" Emma asked.

"Yep, thats me." Abby said, giggling.

"Okay, Ava. I was just over by Aaron and his 'gang', and he said that he is planning on getting revenge on you." Abby said.

"Yeah, like what kind of revenge?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I don't know, but the last time Aaron wanted revenge...Let's just say there was an ambulance." Abby said.

"Wow." Emma said.

"I'm not scared of him. Bring it on." I said, confidently.


"Okay, class did any of you just hear what I just said?" Mrs. Jones asked.

"Ugh. I said that you will all need to prepare an essay, about how technology is affecting us and the future."

There was a series of groans.

"This is also a big part of your grade. So it's due tomorrow and we will be sharing it with the class."

I internally groaned. This is going to be great.


"Ready?" Emma asked.

"Yep." I said, popping the 'p'.

"See you guys tomorrow." Abby said.

"Bye." Emma and I said in sync.

We all have lockers next to eachother, surprisingly. Emma is on my left and Abby is on my right.

Emma and I started heading to the gym.

"Okay, ladies, this is a short practice because we are just getting our uniforms today. So everyone come tell me their size and you can try it on and take it home."

We all fromed three lines for Mia, Kate, and Ally, and it was going by fast.

"Size, Ava?" Mia asked.

"Small please." I answered.

"Here is your uniform and your warm up jacket." Mia said handing me the uniform.

"Cool thanks." I said walking away.

"Okay, I think that was everyone." Mia said. "We have another practice on Friday and we will actually work on our routine."

"You are all free to go."

Emma and I waked out and admired our uniforms.

"I love them." I said.

"Okay, it's official. I'm marring this uniform." Emma said.

"Go for it." I replied, jokingly.

We laughed as we walked out to the parking lot.

"See ya!" Emma yelled.


I was about to walk home until I heard a horn honking which made me almost drop my precious uniform.

"Ava!" I heard a familiar kid voice yell.

I turned to the source to find my moms car with Lucas and... Vanessa?

I walked over and into the front seat.

"Hi, honey. How was cheer?" Mom asked.

"Good, we got our uniforms." I replied.

"Ava! Will you play with us when we get home?" Lucas asked.

"Sure, bud."

"Yay!" Lucas and Venessa say together.

"Why did you pick me up, I could have walked." I asked my mom.

"I just wanted to thank you for being so nice at dinner yesterday."

"No problem. I could tell you really like him and I just want you to be happy."

"Thank you, Ava." Mom said, smiling.

We pulled into our driveway and the kids immediately ran to the door.


"Yay! You got the bad guy!" Vanessa yelled.

"Okay, I'm going to do some homework. But you guys keep playing." I said putting my doll down.

As I was walking away I heard Lucas.

"Nessa, do you like trains?" He asked.

"Ya!" I heard her say.

Aww. He already has a nickname for her, and it was cute too. My ship has sailed. I wonder what their ship name would be?

I walked into my room and started on my essay for ELA class.

I was almost done with it until I felt my eyes getting heavy. No! Stay awake! I need to finish this essay.

My brain decides not to listen to me and I fell into a deep sleep.

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