She Said What?!?

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I walked out of my bathroom and started to get dressed. It was Monday morning and I did not want to go to school after all that happened this weekend.

Chase texted me after the party and he gave me an explanation on why they were always fighting with the other school. Our schools go way back and they were always rivals. There's nothing you can really do about it.

After getting dressed, I walked downstairs to find my mom on the couch watching the news. She was lucky because she got to work at home on Mondays.

"Ava look!" She said, pointing to the t.v but never taking her eyes off it. "There was a murder near us."

I smirked. "Don't worry, they'll never find me." I said jokingly.

My moms head snapped in my direction and her eyes went wide. "I'm kidding." I said, holding my hands up.

"Ava! Don't joke like that!" My mom relaxed. "I just want you to be careful and keep your eyes open."

"Okay mum." I said walking into the kitchen. I grabbed my bag and started to head out the door. I said bye to my mom and left letting the cool fall air greet me.


I walked into school and was grateful for the heat that welcomed me. I walked to my locker and saw someone very unexpected.

"Look who's here! It's Avalon Jane." Ally said through gritted teeth.

"Um, hi Ally." I said opening my locker. Why did she seem so pissed?

"Is it everyday that someone gives you a piece of advise and you don't take it?"

"What are you talking about?" I said getting my books out, not really paying attention to her.

"Fine, I guess I do have to smash your face." She said looking at her manicured nails.

I froze and realization hit me. She was the one who put the note on my locker.

"It was you?" I asked quietly.

"Yep, and it looks like you didn't listen. So why don't you fight me for him?"

I slammed my locker shut and completely faced her. "I don't even know who you want."

"Really? It's the guy you're always talking to and flirting with." She said in anger.

I scrunched my face up in confusion. "Are you talking about Chase?"

"Took you long enough. So fight me for him." She said smirking.

"I am not fighting you." I said, getting ready to leave.

Ally scoffed. "Coward."

I decided to ignore her last comment and walk away. I noticed people stopped to look at us.

"You know what, Avalon. I can get a guy in every corner of the Earth." She shouted.

I stopped and turned around. "Yeah, too bad the Earth is round." I smirked and walked off to my first class, but I didn't miss the 'oohs' I was getting. I even heard someone shout 'apply cold water to burned areas!'

I finally made it to my ELA class and I took my normal seat. Mrs. Jones walked in and she told us to turn in our reports. I got up and turned mine and Aarons' in and I was pretty confident on our work. The rest of the class was uneventful and soon, the bell rang.

Math class was the same thing. We turned in our projects and we had the rest of the class to do homework. I finished before the bell rang and headed to my next class.


I looked at the clock in the gym. It's after school and we have 5 minutes left of cheer practice. We were all in a circle talking about the next game and when we were going to start competing.

I tried to ignore the harsh glares I was getting from Ally but it's kind of hard when she has the eyes of a demon. I looked over at her and the look she was giving me was terrifing. It was horrifying, the most horrific thing I have ever seen. It was like looking into the eyes of death. Okay, a little over dramatic but still.

Practice was over and Mia said our first competition was coming up soon. I grabbed my things, said bye to Emma, and left.

I was home in under 15 minutes and I immediately collapsed on the couch.

"Rough day?" My mom asked, coming out of the kitchen. 

"Yes," I sighed.

"Do you mind taking Lucas to the park? He's been dying to go and I have to finish this work thing."

I nodded, getting up. I headed towards the kitchen and I found him at the table doing the last of his homework.

"Hey bud. When you're done did you wanna go to the park?" I asked.

He looked up and nodded vigorously. I laughed and walked up to my room to put on a sweater. When I came back down Lucas was already done.

"Come on!" He said and grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the door.

I should really put a leash on this kid.


We got to the park but there were only a few people here. Lucas ran by the slide and he started talking to other kids. I sat down on a bench and took out my phone.

"Well, I didn't expect to see you here." A familiar voice said.

I looked up to see Aaron towering over me. "What are you doing here?"

Aaron sat down next to me. "I'm just going around the neighborhood and helping my fellow citizens in need."

I raised a brow at him and he sighed. "I'm babysitting my little sister."

My eyes lit up. "Really? That's kind of adorable."

He glared at me. "No it's not. Tell anyone and you'll be sorry."

"I've heard worse threats, but I won't tell anyone. We wouldn't want to damage your bad reputation know would we?"

He just stared at me with a blank expression. "Jeez, you're no fun to tease." I said and crossed my arms.

He chuckled. "So I take it you're not gonna get me back?" He said referring to our little prank war.

"Oh no. I'm definetly getting you back." I said and faced him. "Soon."

We laughed and I thought.

Maybe, just maybe. Aaron isn't so bad after all.


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