New Dad?

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I have woke up in some weird places before. But the floor is not one of them.

I got up and rubbed my eyes with my knuckles. I quickly remembered what happened last night and sighed.

I took a quick, refreshing shower and got dressed. I decided to keep it simple. Dark jeans with a off the shoulder 'I Love New York' shirt.

After straightening my hair I went downstairs to get some breakfast.

I was not surprised to see my mom already down there drinking coffee.

"Good morning, Ava." She said not looking up from her computer.

What confuses me is that she is acting as if nothing happened last night.

"Goodmorning, mom." I replied, deciding to play along with her game.

"I will be coming home early today to get ready for things. So I need you to pick Lucas up from school." She says finally looking at me.

"Sure, mom. Anything for you." I say sarcastically.

"I expect you to be on your best behavior when we go out with John." She said, ignoring my last commemt.

I looked at the clock on my phone and got my bag ready.

"Come on, Lucas. We're gonna be late!" I yelled.

"Coming!" He replies.

I look at my mom and I see that she has bags under her eyes and her hair was messed up. The last time I seen her like this was when...

"I'm sorry, mum." I apologized.

Mom stops typing and looks at me.

"I should have been more supportive of you. I'm being selfish. I guess I was worried I was going to lose you." I said quietly.

Mom got up and walked over to hug me.

"Aw, it's okay, honey. I know it might feel overwhelming and I should have told you sooner."

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"I love you, Ava."

"Love you too, mum."

"Have a good day at school, guys." She calles out to us.

"We will!" I yell before I shut the door.

Lucas and I started walking while he was blabbing on about how he wants the new train set for his birthday.

I smiled at his weird obsession with trains when it hit me.

I never even got breakfast.


I walk in and find Emma looking around. She stops when her eyes hit me.

"Ava! Come on! I haven't looked at the list yet and now that you're here we can look together!" She said pulling me to the cafeteria.

We walked in and there was a group of girls. Some with excited faces and some with... constipated faces?

We walked over to the list and scanned it franticly.

I heard Emma squeal when she found her name. I almost did the same when I found mine.

"Omigosh! We're gonna be on the cheer team!" She yelled.

"This is gonna be awesome!" I said.


I was in the middle of drawing when I was rudely interrupted by someone kicking my chair. I frowned at the scribble I made because of it. 

"Hey. Can I borrow a pen?" Someone asked me.

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