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We don't even make it through the first class before being summoned to the Mage's office—the dick, it's my mother's office.
"Who started the fight?" Evil Pan asks. We point to each other. "Of course..." The Mage mutters.
"Honest, sir, I'm really sorry for hurting him. I promise I won't ever again, not in our room at least. Just, please, don't make me leave Watford," Snow begged. The Mage nodded. Then he turned to me.
"You, however, Mr. Pitch, have been expelled."
"What!?" I exclaim. I push back my chair and stand, surprised to see Snow standing beside me. He looked as angry and scared as I felt. "You can't do that! You can't make him your favourite and punish me! He punched me first, I was defending myself!"
"It's true, sir, don't make him go!" Snow said. Why...?
The Mage narrowed his eyes at us, deep in thought. After what seemed like hours, he sighed.
"Fine, but you can only go to classes and your room. I'll have someone bring you meals. Both of you."
Snow relaxed and sat down. I pushed in my chair and stood behind it.
"Fair enough. Thank you... Sir," I murmured. I saw Snow look at me in the corner of my eye. I waited a beat before walking out of his office and away from the Weeping Tower. I heard the familiar second pair of footsteps behind me and smiled inwardly.
I really was hopelessly in love with him. Hopelessly because I knew some day he would finish me off. And I would still love him as he thrusts his sword into my heart. Maybe, before I take my last breath, I'll kiss him. Before I die. Before I take him with me. I just hope I don't lose my grip when he starts floating up and I begin to sink.

After a long, weird day of classes, Snow and I walk back to our room. I say weird because all Snow did was stare at me. And every time I shifted in my seat, he would look away.
When we walk back, we don't go together. Even though we're going at the same time, he's in front of me. This is how it's always been for the past five years. I always trail behind when we go back to our room.
As soon as we're in, I walk to my bed and collapse face-first onto it. I feel Snow's eyes on me.
"Close your mouth, Snow," I say. My voice is muffled from having it full of comfy blanket and soft pillow.
I don't know how I'm going to survive if he keeps looking at me. I'm getting thirsty.
"How did you know my mouth was open..." He sounds suspicious. I almost laugh. I sit up and pull my knees to my chest.
"I know you all too well, Snow."
He shrugs, sitting at the edge of his bed. Snow puts his elbows on his knees and rests his chin in his hands. He narrows his eyes at me as if pondering my eye colour.
"Be discrete," I mutter.
"Not grey," Snow murmurs.
"What?" I whisper. Snow blinks slowly.
"Okay, I said okay."
Was he actually pondering my eye colour after all? Also what the fuck is going on?
I glare at Snow before punching my pillow. Then I slam my head into the puffy pillow and turn away from Snow. I close my eyes and listen to his breathing.
There is a knock at the door.
"Simon?" It's that bloody Bunce girl. I open my eyes and raise an eyebrow at Snow.
"I have your food. The Mage actually sent me here this time. Funny, I guess he knew all along." She opened the door somehow, making my eyebrow soar high. How the hell...?
"Oh! Baz..." Bunce glared at me and handed Snow a tray of food. "There's a note there from Agatha. Ehm, I may have read it. Simon, I'm sorry." Then she turned to me with a disgusted look on her face. What did I ever do to her? "Baz, I would have brought you something if I knew you were here." She wouldn't have.
"Get out of here, Bunce. How did you even get in?" Penelope shrugged and smirked.
   But then Simon cried out. I quickly went to see what was wrong. His clothes were smoking as he stared with wide eyes at the letter in his hand. I took it and scanned the letter.

         I'm sorry to have to break it to you this way, but I think we should stop seeing each other. Just for now, until I can get my head straight. Maybe when school is done we will still be able to talk. I hope this doesn't change anything between us.
                                       Forever yours,
                                           Agatha Wellbelove<3

   I was just as surprised when I read it. Wellbelove broke up with Simon! Hallelujah! Snow was single! Snow grabbed the note back, but it went up in flames in his hand.
"Merlin, Simon, calm down, okay? Agatha is going through something, but don't worry. It's not over-" Snow glowered up at Bunce.
"It's not over? She said we could talk when school is done! That's two fucking years, Penny!!" I've seen him smoke like this once when he had a nightmare. Poor Snow is scared.
"Shut up, Baz!" They said in harmony. I threw my hands up in surrender.
"Simon, I promise we will get through this if you just calm down."
"You know, a lot of people have been saying that to me recently. 'Calm down, Simon, everything will be okay if you just fucking CALM DOWN!!' I don't want to fucking calm down anymore! I am so perfectly calm right now."
   Snow got up from his sizzling bed and started pacing the room, taking deep breaths. I look at Bunce and nod, telling her I could take care of this. She simply flips me off before slamming the door behind her. 
"I think she's mad at both of us now," I say. Snow ignores me and leans against the wall, breathing slowly. "Hey," I say louder. Snow looks up. "You good?" My voice is almost soft. Crowley, what's happening? Snow just looks at me for a moment. (Mouth breather.) Then he nods vigorously. "Good." I take a scone from his tray, lop a heaping amount of butter on top, and walk into the bathroom.
"Um, why-why are you eating in there?" Snow asks behind the door. I don't answer. I just sit on the toilet, eating around my fangs.

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