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A/N: I have to warn you this is not the best story. But it's snowbaz and there aren't a lot of those out there atm

"God, Baz, will you- just shut up!" His face was bright red. "Wh-what is even wrong with you-you've never been so-nothing has ever-ugh, you dick!"
"Use your words, Snow," I sneered. It was the only thing I knew how to do.
"SHUT UP!!" He screamed. Snow ran at me at top speed and his fists collided with my jaw. He's never done that before. Maybe I jabbed the stick too far into the bear this time.
"I hate you!" He cried. I came out of my shock and shielded myself. I wasn't punching Simon. "I hate you and your perfect hair and your vampireness! You ruined my life!" I started getting angry too.
"You don't think you destroyed mine?" I finally retort. "I hate you too!" Crowley, I could bite him right now. I think I just might. Instead, I start with a blow to the face.
   I do hate him. I hate what he's made me become—a punch in the nose—I hate that he can't get out of my head—his cheek—I hate how he makes me have to imagine a happy ending—his jaw—I hate how he makes me realise that I am a monster.
   I stop punching him. I'm not angry anymore. I look at the bloody mess that has become Snow's face.
"Snow..." What have I done? Before he even finishes groaning, there is a sudden pull. Shit, Anathema. We are cast out of Mummers House, out of Watford. We're outside the gates. And there's no one to let us back in.
   Then I hear Snow. Fuck. I rip off my sweatshirt and run over to him. I hold the sweater up to his face and try to wipe the blood off. All I succeed in is smudging the blood and covering his entire face. I've always wondered what human blood tastes like... No, I'm not letting that get the best of me right now. I quickly pull out my wand and cast all the healing spells I can think of.
"Screw you," he says, exasperated. When I'm done healing him, he pushes me off and walks to the gates hurriedly.
"Snow, you fucking did this!" I shout. He shakes the gates. Kicking them, Snow gives up. "And now, thanks to you, we're both stuck out here until someone finds us."
"Thanks to me?" He yells.
"Calm down, Snow. Unless you want to get beaten again." I warn. I put my hands out in front of me, like I'm taming a wild horse. Snow takes a step closer. There's a red haze between us now.
"Snow, please," I find myself backing up. He must not notice the red at first because it's super dark out. But then the pissed expression on his face is replaced by a panicky one.
"Baz, get away, I'm going to hurt you," he says. Now he's backing away from me.
"You already punched me in the face. Why do you think you're out here?" I glare at him.
"You know what I mean!" He yells. I do.
"I told you to calm down," I tease. Snow groans loudly.
"I'm sorry, I'm not helping. Snow-Simon, just... Take a deep breath. Let the ocean recede, do you know what I mean?"
   Snow closes his eyes and leans back against nothing, falling onto the ground with a thump. I walk towards Snow, towering over him. (Even more than usual.) He collapsed on the hissing grass.
"You okay?" I asked quietly. Snow just turns away from me. I kick at his shoe lightly then start off to the Wavering Wood—I need blood and I need it now.
"Where are you going?" He calls.
"Fuck off, Snow. And don't worry, I'll be back," I reply over my shoulder.
"I'm coming with you."
"No you're not, idiot. Stay put." I roll my eyes at his muffled shouts. He'll stay frozen until I say something like Free and in the wild.
   I drain a deer and run back to Snow, making sure to slow my pace and catch my breath.
"Where the hell did you go? And also who is Willy?"
"It's a movie," I say, ignoring the first question. I sit next to Snow on the singed ground.
"Hey, you called me Simon when I was about to... go off."
"No I didn't."
"It's okay... I like being called Simon." I'm glad he can't see me. The deer blood is rising to my face. I imagine kissing him right now. Holding him and telling him I love him. I can hear him saying he loves me too.
   I smile because I know he can't see me.
"I'm going to sleep. Someone will see us in the morning." I lay on my back and look at the stars. I don't know much about them, but I remember my mother singing to me about stars. She would bounce me on her lap and rub my back because I couldn't sleep or I was afraid. I close my eyes and think about her rough hand on my cheek, her lips on my forehead.
"Goodnight now, my little puff."
I feel something familiar and cold down the side of my face. I'm crying. In front of Snow.
"Baz...?" And he can fucking see me. I look up at the evilly revealing moon, glaring. I turn on my side, away from Simon. Clouds move, Pitch! I scold myself. I wipe my face with the back of my hand and try to calm down.
"Hey, I know we just had a big fight and all, but... Are you okay?" Snow asks innocently. I don't trust myself to talk so I stay silent. I feel his hand hovering over my shoulder. Like, physically feel. His magic is so strong. But is he really thinking about touching my shoulder? How pathetic do I look right now?
"I'm fine," I say. But my voice wavers, so I clear my throat. "Okay." Throat-clearing is a terrible lie. But I no longer feel the presence of his hand. I look over at him.
   Snow has fallen asleep, with his arm under his head and his other hand centimetres from my back. If I turn over I'll crush his arm. I move so my hand is next to his. I stare at our close hands until my eyelids droop.

"You're a monster." "You're a hideous monster and no one will ever love you because you disgust all of us." "I hate you!" "Everything is your fault and you know it!" "Why don't you DIE!"
"Baz!" I open my eyes and realise I'm clinging to Snow like a little girl holds onto her favourite doll. I relish in his warmth before pushing him away and sitting up.
"Sorry," I mutter, letting my hair fall in front of my red face.
"It's... All right..." I glance at Snow and he seems confused.
"I had a fucking bad dream. Don't think I'm all in love with you now, Snow."
Although I am in love with you.
"I didn't think you were in love with me, I-" he stops himself and shakes his head. Then he looks up. Snows face brightens as an annoyed, tan, Peter Pan soldier walks up to the gates. He opens them for us.
"Hey, Prem, looking well! Thanks for letting us in, dude!" Snow pats his shoulder and skips back to our room.

"Who was that guy?" I ask when we get back.
"Penelope's brother, Premal."
"Bunce has a brother who is also a Mage-clone?"
"Ugh, yeah sure. I don't want to argue anymore." He rolls his eyes at my raised eyebrow. "Baz, I'm never getting kicked out again. Especially if it's because you think I made you like that." My heart stops and I look him dead in the eyes. He seems startled by my intensity.
"What did you say?" I demand through gritted teeth.
"I-I said you think I made you into that. Cause that's what you said last night." His mouth hangs open, I can hear his quick breaths. Snow breaks eye contact first.

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