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I don't know what's gotten into me. Maybe it's the fact that Snow decided to share a piece of himself with me. And I can still feel the dull buzzing in the back of my brain.
   And it's only three in the morning when I realise something.
"Snow," I say, not even attempting a whisper.
"Mm," he hums softly.
"Did you notice that we're not even actually stuck in here? We could leave whenever we want. It's- well, it's almost like we're choosing to be punished. We're choosing to be stuck here together..."
"Maybe we are," Simon mumbles.
"I'm sorry about rejecting your offer to be friends."
"Baz..." Snow groans. I don't care if he's tired. He's woken me up plenty of times.
"Snow, I want to be your friend. I want to at least try. Because tonight was a lot of fun and-"
"Shh."I notice that Simon is smiling now. "Baz, you know I would love to try. But I also want to sleep now, yeah?" I roll my eyes, smirking. He extends his hand. I take it and we shake. Then he lets go, failing to hide his grin. Snow turns around, facing away from me.
"Goodnight, Baz," he whispers.
"'Night, Snow," I whisper back. I still don't know what's wrong with me. But so far I'm feeling alright.

Simon's P.O.V.

I wake up happy. Baz actually wants to be my friend. He thought last night was fun. I watch Baz come out of the bathroom fixing his shirt.
"Hey," I smile tiredly. He gives a quick half-smile and looks at his shoes.
"Look, um... About last night... What I said," he looked up and in my eyes. Baz seemed so confused. "I..." I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. "I don't regret anything I said. And I hope you don't either." Unexpected.
"No, of course not, Baz!" I exclaim. I grin because I can. "I really like being your friend."
"You don't know what it's like yet."
"No but..." I can dream. I try to pretend I didn't just look at him with completely lust-filled eyes. I regain my smile, this time a little more forced, and get ready for classes.

Baz glances at me awkwardly through the entire day. Then he bolts after classes. I guess I can't blame him. It's weird to have this sort of truce between us now. But I wonder where he goes everyday.
"Where do you run off to?" I ask him two hours later.
"I don't know what you mean, Snow," he says.
"Everyday when you disappear after classes? And suspiciously head towards the Catacombs? No idea," I say sarcastically. Baz shrugs. I groan.
"We're friends now, Baz. And friends don't lie."
"You never know," Baz tries to point out, "you never know if it's the enemy part of you that's lying to me about being friends."
"Well, all of you is lying to me."
"I'll be back, Snow," Baz sighs. He slips a hand under his pillow, then into his pocket. Baz then proceeds to leave with no further discussion.
   I realise how much looser I am, now that he's not watching me. But he's changed a lot too. He seems sadder and... Well, I don't think he's broken. I think he's shattered. I just wish I had the right materials to glue him back together.
   He comes back smelling like smoke. (more than I already do.) and I tell him that. And he shrugs.
"Basil, y-"
"No. Snow. You don't get it. Nothing has changed. We don't act any different from before. I'm not spilling my secrets to you because we're BFFs now. It's a status, okay? It's just a status." Well, if I knew Baz felt like that...
"Sorry, Baz. I guess I shouldn't have thought we could do it. Maybe we're... Not supposed to be friends after all."
"Maybe not," Baz glares. He sits away from me on his bed.
"But, please, don't smoke."
"Vampires can't get lung cancer." He crosses his arms and tries to ignore the mistake of his words. I ignore it too. He seems lost right now. I think my feelings run deeper than a simple crush. (As hard as that is to admit.) I don't want to cause him more pain. I'm not arguing with him.
"Be happy, Baz. I-I'm not giving up on us, okay? Just... Just please don't leave me."
"We're not married, Snow," Baz mutters. He pulls the hood of my sweatshirt up and hides his face in it. Merlin, I just want to hug him right now. But I just look away.

Bazzzzzz P.O.V.

"Like liquid gold," I say. It's a spell for alcohol. I filled up the bath tub, changing the water to something strong-smelling. I plunge my hand in and swallow a large amount.
Like ten minutes later after Simon's been thinking a bunch and not paying attention
"What are you doing?" Simon exclaims, catching me with the door open.
"Oopsies," I shrug and giggle. Damn, I must be drunk. How long have I been in this bathroom?

Snow P.O.V.

"Baz, you're getting drunk in our bathroom now? What's wrong with you-" Baz takes my hand and pulls me down next to him.
"Simon, get drunk with me!" He grins. Simon...?
"No!" I say.
"Yes, Simon, yes." Baz has his face really close to mine. A drink would be nice...

Fifteen mins. later...

   We're both completely wasted and it's amazing.
"Hey Simon," Basil grins goofily.
"Yeah, Bazzy?" I bump my nose with his.
"I'm in love with you." We're lying face to face on his bed.
"It's a good thing I'm in love with you too." I take his face and smush it into mine. Magic. Pure, beautiful magic.
  I push my fingers through his silky hair. His hand is on my cheek. I pull on his shirt and we stop to take our tops off. Baz is grinning at me and I feel myself growing again. Fuck. Baz trails kisses down my throat and on my stomach. He sucks at my skin.
"Oh my god," I groan. He smirks like he's about to attack. But he doesn't. Instead he pulls at my pants. He drags them down slowly and it's torture. He does the same for himself and I trail my fingers down his entire body.
   He kisses my mouth again. He grinds against me and I moan.
"Mmm, Basil," I mumble as he strokes me, teasing. "Baz, Jesus, fuck me."
" No, darling. We're drunk. That is something I want to remember."
~~~end of smut for now;)~~~
   We lay in his bed holding each other. (No we don't have clothes on. Fuck it, we're drunk.) I hope I remember this. Because we love each other and we want each other and oh my god I want to kiss a boy. Again. I want to kiss him again.
"Simon," Baz whispers. I play with his fingers.
"Yes, Bazzy-Boo," I giggle.
"I'm a vampire."
"I know, Basil."
"I'm a monster. You can't be with me if I'm a monster."
I stop fiddling with his hand and look up into his eyes.
"You are not a monster, you are my amazing, beautiful, vampire. I love you and I don't love monsters."
"But I hurt you, Simon. Third year-"
"-was three years ago. And you didn't try to hurt me since. Because you can't hurt anybody-"
"You haven't seen me hunt. I drained the entire population of rats in the Catacombs. Simon-"
"Baz! You are not a monster! You're my boyfriend!"
"Am I?" I was hurt when he said this.
   But then again I don't know how I was feeling anything. My brain was singing the snack that smiles back on loop. And when I closed my eyes, frogs danced in the darkness.
"Yes, Baz, you are. I just hope we're not too wasted to remember this."
"Simon, I'm not sure I want to remember this if it ends in us fighting. I don't like fighting with you," Baz gives me sad eyes. I kiss his face. I reached over him and grabbed my wand, pointing it at myself.
"I won't ever forget you," I say. The memories of tonight strengthen in my mind and I know I will remember in the morning. I smile.
"I wish you didn't do that, Simon." Baz pulls me impossibly closer. "But I've already made a fool out of myself." He kisses amazingly.

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