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I wake up and Simon is already dressed. He's sitting on his bed staring at me. I haven't even opened my eyes yet.
"Glue your eyes on something important, Snow," I mumble. I rub my eyes and stretch.
"There's nothing more important in this room," Snow says. I raise my eyebrow at him. My stomach churns at his words. He looks up from his shoes and crosses his arms, leaning against the door frame to the bathroom. "That's not what I meant-"
"Stop talking, Snow, it'll save many lives if you do." I grab my pillow off his charred mattress and place it back on my bed. It smells like him now. (It smells like the school, like a hospital. But it's him.)
"I meant there's no other people in the room. People are important. Not that you're a person—you're a vampire." You're a monster, I imagine him saying. But he doesn't.
"I am right though," he says. "Right?" I stop in the door frame. He uncrosses his arms. I give him a once-over then glare directly into his eyes. I hear his breathing hitch.
"Stop talking, Snow," I mutter. I walk into the bathroom feeling proud and say, "And close your mouth."
   But as soon as he walks away, a wave of dizziness clogs my senses. I lean against the sink, waiting for the drain to stop spinning. My ears pop and start ringing.
"Baz, Baz!" Snow's voice filters in and I look up, glaring. "What is wrong with you? You look ill." I push past him. It takes all my willpower not to run.
"I... didn't eat dinner last night," I say and slam the door behind me.

   I break into a sprint and end up draining the entire population of rats except the pregnant mother. I freshen the flowers on my mother's grave before exiting the Catacombs.
"Where did you just go...?" Simon interrogates me. He started following me while I crossed the football pitch.
"None of your fucking business, Snow."
"Why won't you tell me?" He tries to grab my arm but I shake him off.
"Aleister Crowley, I'll tell you if you explain last night." Simon looks like a confused, lost puppy. I roll my eyes. "Why didn't you just fucking throw me into the fire? Would have saved you a hell lot of trouble in the future." He looks even more confused when he speaks.
"Because you looked small and frightened."
"Do I look small and frightened now?" I made myself look angry, even though I wasn't in the slightest. Simon gulped and I followed his Adam's apple with my eyes.
"N-no..." He says quietly.
"Another question-"
"No, it's my turn-"
"Another question," I say louder. He backs off. "How did you give me magic last night?" It was the weirdest, most amazing feeling. Like the burn of whiskey in your throat.
"I... I don't know. I've never done that before." He seems lost in thought for a moment, but then snaps back. "So where were you?"
"Visiting my mother," I say, knowing it'll shut him up. I must be really tired because I'm really not even lying.
"Oh..." He stares at his feet. I start to walk to our first class. But then I hear his footsteps. He runs to catch up with me. "But are you sure you weren't hunting for food? Because your face looks better than before. I mean- more full of colour, you know? Yeah, of course you know! Because you're a vampire-"
   His eyes are bright with curiosity. It takes all my strength not to smile. Crowley, this boy was so amazingly adorable when he was accusing me of being a horrible monster.

Simon's P.O.V. {sometime in the middle of the day in class}

   The Minotaur kept droning on and on. After a while I lost track of his words, feeling my eyes droop. I looked over at Baz. He was asleep on his book. His features were soft and calm. I liked it a lot. But I didn't. Because I was getting over a devastating breakup. And also I'm not gay. Because I just broke up with a girl. Or rather, she broke up with me. Because I'm not gay. (Don't tell me it makes no sense.)(I'm not gay. And I don't like Baz.)
   I'm glad Agatha broke it off with me. I didn't really love her towards the end. I just thought I had to play my role. That maybe we could have a happy ending and die old and content and not alone. Now I was going to die alone and confused. And I would die watching my really cute enemy sleeping in Greek.
   But I noticed his face contort into pain. He looked sad now. His mouth filled with extra teeth. I kicked his shin hard to wake him. Baz jerked up, breathing heavy. He tried to calm down, noticing me glancing at him. He kicked my leg back, scowling. But I didn't mind. 

{Like, next class}

   I couldn't concentrate on my work. Baz took up every aspect in my mind. He could be plotting my demise while I absently trace his name in the margins of my paper. When I realise what I'm doing, I quickly erase the doodles and scribble over them. I couldn't let him control my thoughts. It could be all part of his plan. Get him in my head now, so it's easier to stab me in the back later. Whatever the plan, it was working. Because he wasn't leaving my mind anytime soon.
   I've always wanted to touch his hair. To run my fingers through it. I want to run up and hug him after he wins a football game. Instead I watch as he attractively runs down the pitch in shorts and a t-shirt. It's the only time I see skin other than his face and hands. And his neck. I want to take him by the back of his neck and kiss him. (Yeah, yeah, I know that's Baz but whatever)
   I shift in my seat, realising fangs aren't the only things that grow when you need them. But I did not need this right now. I bite my lip, trying to stop the flow of thoughts about kissing Baz. But it was no use and I ended up raising my hand and asking to go to the infirmary.
"Very well. Basilton, do go and escort Mr. Snow to the infirmary. Make sure he doesn't get sick in the hallway," the teacher said.
"No, no, no! I-I can go myself, please!" The last thing I needed was Baz noticing my increasingly tightening trousers. (Also this scene was lowkey inspired by some other fic I read oops)
   But the rather bitchy teacher was back to teaching. Baz swiftly got out of his seat while I clambered out of the classroom, less than graceful. I could not believe this was happening to me. I awkwardly pulled at my shirt.
"I'm going back to Mummers House, okay? You can go back to class now."
"Why are you going back to... BAHAHAHA!!" I've never seen Baz laugh quite like this. I almost smile. But I know why he's laughing and I feel my face heat up. He starts calming down, but then looks at me and starts up again. Tears roll down his face. This is humiliating.
"Will you just-"
"Crowley, Snow, who could have done that!?" I open my mouth to answer but he gets a few more laughs in. I don't know what I would have said anyway. Just...
   By this time, we're outside our room.
"Good luck, Snow," he chuckles. I slam the door, glad to be rid of him.
"Ugh," I say relieved. I throw myself onto Baz's bed, entangling myself in his sheets. I can breathe here. It feels good to breathe.

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