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I'm in the middle of a nightmare where my mother isn't dead and she's chasing me, trying to kill me.
"I hate you, Basilton, DIE!" She screams at me.
But then I hear someone whimper. I wake up out of the bad dream. Snow is curled in a protective ball, shaking his head wildly. I take my pillow, ready to throw it at him if he starts crying. I never want my Simon to cry. Well, he's not mine. But he's not anyone's anymore.
"Baz!" He cries. I lower the pillow, ignoring Snows smouldering sheets. The smell of burning feathers is horrid, but there's nothing I could do about it. The windows were already open. "Please, Baz... Stop." Aleister Crowley, what is he dreaming?

Simon's P.O.V.

I'm a ball on the floor. They won't stop kicking me. I try to yell but I can't speak.
"Use your words, Snow," Baz laughs. His friends Niall and Dev are laughing with him. They join in and kick me too. Then I hear Agatha.
"You're not a hero, Simon, stop acting like one." No! I want to scream but my voice is gone... I'm scared.
"NO!" I finally shriek. They can't do this to me. I won't let them.
But Niall and Dev hold me up. Agatha laughs horribly and starts punching my face. Then Baz walks up to me. He caresses my jaw. I lean into the touch, wanting it to be real... But I don't.
"Poor Simon fucking Snow. In love with a vampire," he sneers. They're all laughing again and there's nothing I can do. I'm giving up. "Simon," Baz says mockingly. He keeps saying my name. "Simon. Simon!"

"Simon! Wake up!" Baz screams. I open my eyes and my bed is on fire. How the fuck did this happen!? I look around and I can't see him. "Simon..." He cries. Then I find him. Wedged between the beds, Baz is curled up on the floor hugging a pillow. His hands are burnt. He's never looked so scared before. He hides his face in his knees. I'm not as effected by the fire because I made it with my own magic. It wasn't supposed to hurt anyone.
I hop off the bed, gathering the burning blankets in my arms. I turn on the shower and dump the blankets into the tub. I take a wet towel and pat down the mattress.
"Baz, it's okay now. I'm so sorry, I had no idea." I hold out a hand to help him up. But then he shows me his hands. They're horribly burnt. So he helps himself up, looking down at me. Suddenly, I feel small again. He just stands there and watches me curiously. Before I could get lost in his interesting-coloured eyes, I look down at his hands. I reach for them. His first reflex is to jerk away, but I hold his wrists tightly.
"Baz how did this happen? How is the rest of you not completely burned to ashes?"
"Disappointed are we, Snow?" He grumbles.
"No!" I say too quickly. "I mean... Merlin, just answer the question."
"I tried to wake you up before you exclaimed in detail how I was giving you a handjob in your dreams. But you were hotter than the sun. And so now my hands are crisps."
"That is not what I was dreaming," I say lamely. So eternally lame. Baz rolls his eyes.
"Get my wand, will you," he says. "It's in my back pocket. Restrain yourself from grabbing my arse, please." I poke his hand for saying that. He hisses in pain. But I do get his wand. He takes it in his mouth and tries healing himself. The most he does is turn his burns into scabs. He winces at his own patheticness, making me laugh.
"Shut up, Shnow." He says, talking around the leather hilt of his wand. It's really funny and really cute.
"Let me help you at least," I giggle. But he won't let go of his wand.
So instead, I take a deep breath, putting my hand on his shoulder. I do something I've never done with someone I cared hurting. I push. Because any magic is worth helping Baz. Even though I still believe he is plotting. He back straightens and he tries Get well soon again. His hands go back to perfect. I stop pushing and let go of him.
I'm a little dizzy, having never done that before. Baz steps back, examining his hands and looking at me confused. But he seems more dizzy than me because he looks at the floor, swaying slightly. I take his shoulders and help him sit on his bed. I sit next to him.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"Well you almost just killed me with a bed fire," he mumbles.
"You don't look very good," I state.
"You should be talking," he retorts. Baz lays back on his bed. I pull my legs under me and lean my face over his. I try very hard not to look at his lips.

Baz's P.O.V.

"You didn't answer my question," Simon says. I stare at his lips against my better judgement. I could kiss him right now. I could take him by the collar and pull him down on top of me and kiss him until his lips are red and puffy.
Instead I look away.
"Get off my bed, Snow."
"You called me Simon before."
"Maybe Baz the Vampire called you Simon but I certainly did not. Now go sleep on your roasted mattress."
It didn't help that I could see three of him right now. I was incredibly dizzy from lack of feeding. He scowled, but finally got off my bed. I watch him sit on his burnt bed. I groan and throw him a pillow and my top sheet.
"Thanks, Baz," he smiles.
"Don't mention it," I mumble and turn away. But all night, I hear his quick breathing. Snow is refusing to sleep. I, however, do not. If I can't get the blood I need, I'm getting all the rest I need and more. I hope he doesn't think I'm leaving the subject of him giving me magic alone though.
"Goodnight, Simon," I say only loud enough for a vampire to hear. But I think I hear him shift in bed when I say it. I love you I think in my head. That I will never risk saying out loud.

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