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I wake up for the second time that morning completely confused with my surroundings. No nightmares, and a completely adorable golden ball in my arms. He's using his hand as a pillow on my chest and his other hand is clutching my knee. I snuggle deeper into his amazing curls.
"Baz?" He whispers.
"Snow," I reply.
"Are you awake?" I smile.
"Yes, Snow."
"... You really love me?"
"Of course."
"A-and you're not going to leave me."
"Never, darling."
   Snow sighs in relief and moves even closer to me. I rest my chin on his head and close my eyes. You're so alive, Simon Snow. Alive, alive, alive. And I love you for it.
"I love you too, Baz. I love you so, so much. And I'm sorry I didn't realise sooner."
"Better late than never," I say, rubbing his arm.
"Was I your first kiss?" He asks, truly curious.
"Snow, you were my first everything, and I plan on keeping it that way."
"So... First kiss." I nod, which is hard since I'm leaning on his head.
"First love, first crush, first kiss, first to have sex with, first to marry me, first to love me back... The list goes on."
"But some of those things haven't happened."
"Yet," I add. "Snow, didn't you know? Vampires can see into the future."
"Can they really?" I laughed and kissed his forehead.
"You're an idiot," I told him. He looked up and grinned at me.
"Your idiot," he says.
"Yes, my idiot and no one else's!" I attack him, tickling his stomach. Snow makes an adorable squeak, making him red in the face.
"Hey!" He giggles.
"Aleister Crowley, you're so cute!" I exclaim, showering him with kisses. I cover his entire grinning face with them.
"Baz!" Simon laughs. He's pushing my chest away while clutching my jumper closer at the same time. I kiss all his moles twice and then hug him really tight.
"I love you infinitely, Snow." My voice is muffled in his shoulder.
"Yet I still love you more." Simon holds me against him.
   I'm in love with Simon Snow.
   And he loves me back.

Simons P.O.V.

This is after they are late to classes and Baz is now hunting.

I don't know where Penny would be if she's not with me. Then I find her at the library a short time later.
"Hey, Penny," I say quietly, not wanting to disturb others who are reading. Penelope doesn't even look up from her book as I sit next to her. We sit in uncomfortable silence.
"You could have at least told me, Simon," she says suddenly. "You could have told me you liked him."
"But you would have acted like this-" I try to say but she interrupts.
"Not quite like this. I wouldn't have to act 'like this' if you had just told me." She seems disappointed in me. So she wasn't disgusted...?
"Penny, I'm sorry. You have to understand, though, I mean-" I stopped talking when I realised Penelope wasn't even listening to me. "Christ, Penelope, at least pretend to listen." She glared over my shoulder. I looked behind me and Baz was looking down at me, taller than ever.
"Snow, can I-" he starts, looking unnerved. (Of course I didn't notice.)
"Baz, just hold on, okay? I have to sort this out with Penny," I say.
"Wait! ... Please." I look at him apologetically and take one of Penny's hands.
"Penny, look, I snogged someone who everyone else thinks is a monster. And also-" I make sure my voice is really low, "and also he's a boy. Penn, I snogged a boy, can't you get that I was afraid of sharing that with anyone?" Penelope looked at me forlornly, opening her mouth to speak. But someone cleared their throat behind me.
"Not Baz, Mr. Snow-Pitch." The voice was scary but the name was wonderful. How did anyone know that name... I turned around and Dev and Niall were sneering at me. Baz was facepalming behind them.
"Gentlemen, please," he said. I could hear desperation in Baz's voice.
"Why him, Basil? Of any boy in the school, in the world, why choose him?" I looked down, my face bright red. Penny put her hand on my back reassuringly.
"He is the Chosen One, Niall."
"But he's Simon Snow, he's your enemy."
"Not anymore," Dev mumbled.
The entire library was staring now.
"My dearest friends, please, for the love of magic, shut the hell up!" Baz hissed. "Or I swear to Crowley I will end you right here and now."
"We just want to know why."
"Because. It's because he's Simon Snow that I fell in love with him. Now will you shut it or I'm-"
"Alright, Basil, alright!" They stomped out and the library witnesses went back to uneasy reading. I run out of the library without seeming too panicked. Baz follows.
"How did they find out?" I ask.
"I don't know-"
"How did they find out!?" I yelled.
"Why do you even call me Snow? My name is Simon, Simon!" I fling my hands around. Red.
"I don't-"
"Don't say you don't know. Because you do, okay? You do and it's all part of your act to get me to fall for you so you could stab me in the gut and turn me."
"I call you Snow because your first name is too beautiful to be uttered by such a monster as myself-" Redder.
"And why does everyone think you're a monster!? You're a vampire, you're not a monster. You never killed a human. And you're my fucking boyfriend, Baz! You're more beautiful than I am, you can say my name!! UGH!" I cry out in frustration.
"You just shouted both of our secrets at the top of your lungs, Snow. Are you happy now?" Baz fumes as he walks out of the crowded, silent hallway. The red is fading.
"Baz!" I shout. I run trying to catch up.
"Why won't you FUCK OFF!?" He screams
I stop following him when we get to the football pitch.
"Simon!" Penny calls to me. I turn around and hug her.
"The entire school knows about you guys now," Penelope says as we lay in the middle of the pitch together.
"Word travels fast." I mutter. "You know what annoys me the most? Everyone calling him a monster. I don't get it, they don't even know him. They have no right-"
"Do you know him, Simon?" Penny asks.
"I've shared a room with him for six years-"
"-And yet you never figured out he was in love with you. Even I had my suspicions."
"I'm ignorant to things I don't want see," I try to defend myself, and him.
"You don't want to see him as a lying traitor either."
   I felt really guilty for saying Baz was acting. He loves me, he really does.
No. Penny is wrong. That's not Baz, it's not who he is. I stand and start off to Mummer's. I'm going to prove my boyfriend hasn't betrayed me.
And when I enter our room, my evidence is sitting, a crying heap on my bed.

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