I'm done

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Kylie POV

Its already the 7th month of the purpose tour and I haven't been enjoying myself, I feel like I am just a toy to Justin now, its been a while now that Justin has been to busy for me. We do hangout but not as much as we did before. I go on to my lap top and start seeing pictures of him with this girl name Sofia Richie girl.

I read the title "Sofia Richie and Justin Bieber together, what happen to the girl that joined Justin in tour?" I start having tears in my eyes. I wipe them away and walk up to the hotel closet and started packing my things in the suitcase. I have to leave, Justin doesn't love me no more.

"Yoo Who" I hear Alfredo walk in. "What are you doing?" He said in confusion. "Im leaving" I said as I continued packing. "Wait why?" He asked.

"Do you know anything about Justin and Sofia?" Alfredo stays quiet. "Ok I think I should tell you then" Alfredo said as he sat on the bed close to me. "Yes, Sofia and Justin have been going on little dates" I started to cry more once he let those words come out of his mouth. "Why?" I said. "I don't know, probably a contact or something?" I shaked my head. "No, if it was a contact don't you think he would have told me already?" I said, zipping up the suitcase. "So your leaving?" Alfredo questioned. I nodded standing up. "Ok well wait for me, because I'm leaving with you" I looked up at Alfredo.

"No, be here for your friend" I said wiping the tears that are still coming out. "No, hes super rude that hes doing this to you, you are a really nice girl and I don't like the fact that Justin is hurting you like this" Alfredo said. I smiled softly at him and hugged him. "Your a great friend you know that right?" 

He chuckles. "Yeah I know" He said and I chuckle too.


I was in my phone waiting for Alfredo to come, so we can leave and suddenly I hear the door open. I look up seeing Justin. "Hey" He said laying down on the bed next to me. "Hi" I said.

"What are you doing?" He said hugging me from the back but I stand up from the bed, which make him let go of me. "Whats wrong?" He said.

"Kylie, Im here!" I turn seeing Alfredo with the suitcase in his hand. "Whats going on?" Justin questioned. "Im leaving Justin" I said.

"Wait why?" I rolled my eyes. "Do you think I'm stupid Justin, You and Sofia on every news!" Justin suddenly stands up. "Kylie let me explain." I shaked my head. "No" I said.

"You have had enough time to tell me, but you just tell me now! How long has this been going on?" I said. Justin stays
quiet. "How long!" I raised my voice.

"Almost a month" My eyes widen. "Really?" I said as tears came out again. "Kylie, it's just a cont-" I shaked my head.

"Whatever, if it a contract then you would have told me the begging, but you didn't" I said grabbing my suitcase and started walking to the door. "Kylie, please forgive me, Ill do anything"

"Justin you have done enough, this is like our thousand arguement and I'm done, I'm just done" I said as I walked out of the room with Alfredo. I turn to Justin one last time, and close the door.

Once I closed it, I heard things breaking in he room, I know hes mad but he deserves it. "He will get over it, don't worry" Alfredo said.

Hello guys, I know the first chapter it was super sad, Sorry!

Ill try to update as soon as possible😊

Just Another Day (Sequel to Just you & me) FanFic JylieWhere stories live. Discover now