See you Later

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Justin POV

I have been in bed all day, not wanting to speak to anyone, the fact that Kylie doesn't reply to my text and that I keep calling her and she don't reply hits my in the guts. I hate myself for not telling Kylie everything, the whole Sofia thing is a contract that I'm doing but it finishes once shes 18, and well surprisingly shes already 18 and me and Sofia have nothing going on now.

Everyday I wake up not talking to anyone, I have meetings and stay quiet for the half of it, I don't even want to take pictures with my fans anymore, which I know I should because they are my fans and they have been there for me since the begging. At my shows, I look happy but I really aint, and after I just get cleaned up and leave to the bus or plane if I have to, so I can be alone, ugh, I just really miss Kylie.

"There you are! I was looking for you!" Scooter said walking inside the tour bus and inside the room.

"I dont want to speak to anyone" I said grabbing my phone and looking at the messages that I have sent to Kylie, but she hasn't seen them.

"Actually you do want to to hear what I'm about to tell you" He said sitting on the corner of the bed.

"So you know since your going to be on break for two weeks?" I nod, not even looking at him.

"I've called your private jet, it's coming to pick you up in a hour" I look at him in confusion.

"But where am I going?" I asked.

"LA, I want you to go get Kylie back, I've been seeing for almost about a month how, much you miss her, I really want you to be happy Justin, so I want you to go talk to Kylie" My eyes go wide and I sit up from the bed.

"Wait your foreal?" He nods.

"Start packing, like I said, It comes in a hour"

"Wait" I said.

"Have you seen Kylie post things lately, like on twitter, facebook, instagram or snapchat?" I asked realizing that Kylie hasn't post things lately.

"Alfredo called me last time telling me that she told him, that she wasnt going to be in public for a while" I look down, nodding.

"Well hurry" He said leaving the room. I smile softly, this could be my only chance getting her back before I go back to tour.


Kylie POV

"Look at you, already in your second bag of chips" Alfredo said walking in and I look at him in shocked.

"You know, you can knock or ring the door bell" He fake laughs and makes a serious face which makes me laugh.

"Well you can turn your phone on and atleast check if you got any mail from some companies, so you can go back to working." I roll my eyes.

"Fine" I turn on my phone and wait a while until it officially is on.

I look at my phone and once it connected to the wifi, my phone start going off with messages from my Mom, sisters and mostly from Justin. I click on my moms message.

I heard your back

What happened?

Kylie answer me!

Why arent you answering, if you always answer late

fine text me when you want just don't expect me to answer you fast!

Sorry I was busy.

Next I look at Kendall's

Sister, Lets hangout! I miss you😩

Ill see when


Hey! I heard your back, text me when you want, I know your feeling down🙁

Alright lots of love❤️

Then.... Justin

Kylie, im sorry for not telling you about Sofia, but It was just a contract, I promise and its all over!

I know should've told you, but I was such a dumb ass for not telling you

I really miss you, you dont understand how I have been feeling

I really love you Kylie


I understand that you dont want to talk to me but just say that you forgive me and Ill leave you alone


Answer me please

See you later.

I really want to forgive me, but I just know. And what does he mean see you later?
"What does it mean when Justin says See you later? Like when I want to or like actually later?" I asked and his eyes go big.

"Hes coming" He said

"Wait what?" *Knock Knock*

I look at the door then back at Alfredo.

I walk up and open it.

"Hi" I softly said.

"Hi" He said, looking straight at me with his hazel eyes.

There you go new chapter❤️ Enjoy!❤️❤️❤️❤️

Just Another Day (Sequel to Just you & me) FanFic JylieWhere stories live. Discover now