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Kylie POV

I was Surprised that Dylan was here, last time I saw him was when I was back at Seattle with Justin before tour. "Um, Hi" He said, I look back at Jordan with a weird face and I look back at Dylan. "Um, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just got back here, yesterday from Seattle" My eyes went wide. "Just yesterday?" I questioned. He nods. "Well you were in Seattle for a really long time" He chuckles and nods. "Yep, it was too much fun over there, that I didn't want to leave, but then I felt like it was time to come back home so I just came back" I chuckle.

"So are you going to let me come inside?" I look around outside and look back at Jordan.

"I actually, um- I have company right now" I said. He looks in my house, but didn't see Jordan.

"Who? Let me guess, Justin Bieber" He said rolling his eyes.

"Actually is my bestfriend Jordan" I said.

He nods and starts to walk away. "Well bye!" I said waving at him, he didn't say nothing back but left. Dam, that boy probably really likes me but I just keep rejecting him.

I walk back inside and I start to hear my phone ring. I walk up to it and see its Justin calling. I answer, "Hello?" I said.

"Hey baby, I called you two times and you werent picking up" He said in a raspy voice, probably he just woke up. "Oh I know im sorry, im just with Jordan right now and then Hailey came to apologize, which was so weird and then Dylan appeared out of no where which is weird too." I said with only one breath.

"Wait, Dylan went to your house?" He said.

"Yeah, but don't worry, I told him that I have company, and he left" I told Justin.

"Oh good, and what the hell, Hailey went too?" I nod even though he can't see me.

"Mhm, yeah, she came to apologize, and I guess were friends too" I said and Justin chuckled.

"Im so happy that everything is going good right now" He said.

"Yeah, did you hear about Selena and Abel" I said and Justin stays quiet but finally speaks.

"Mhm, yep, well I have to go meet up Scooter, love you" He said.

"Love you too" I said and he finally clicks.

"I heard that from here" Jordan said while eating a strawberry covered with nutella.

"What?" I questioned.

"How he sounded when you told him about Selena and Abel, and to be honest, he didn't sound happy" She said.

"Well probably because he's tired" I said.

"He literally told you he had to leave to Scooter after you told him that!" She said.

"Well, Selena is his first love so he probably has a reason to be like that, and im fine with it" I said grabbing a strawberry and biting it.

"Whatever" Jordan said, grabbing the controller of the tv and turning it on.

I sit next to her and grab the rest of the strawberries, covered in chocolate.

Sorry guys for taking forever on the new chapter, but its because I just came back from Canada! 😩 it was beautiful!

Just Another Day (Sequel to Just you & me) FanFic JylieWhere stories live. Discover now