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Kylie POV

I woke up,walked straight to my kitchen.

Waking up with a big hunger, is the most annoying moments when i wake up.

I take out some raw bacon, and crack some eggs . "This will do" I said, as i take out a pan and put the bacon in it.

I hear something vibrate and I face at my phone to check if its that, I check and Justin was calling me. "Shit, its on vibrate" I said, I grab it and accept the call, putting my phone to my ear.

"Hey babe" I answered. "Hey baby, what you doing right now?"

"Nothing, making myself some eggs and bacon" I said and i flipped the bacon.

"Yum, can i have some?" Justin said and amonce he said that, I hear my door open.

"But your not here" I said walking to, the other side of the kitchen to see who is coming inside my house.

"Oh really" Justin said, but instead through the phone, he walks inside the house smiling at me. My jaw opens, in shock.

I finish the call, and run to Justin, jumping on him and giving him a hug.

"Oh my gosh, baby, why didn't you text me or call me before, that you were coming?" I said.

"Because I wanted to surprise you" He said giving me a kiss.

"Well you definitely did!" I said with a really big smile on my face.

"Have you ate?" Justin said and I look at him serious, then I look down at the eggs and bacon that I am cooking.

He laughs, "Oh right, your cooking right now" I nod and laugh too.

"Well stop what your doing and lets go out to eat yeah?" I sigh and nod.

"yeah, let me just put the food in the refrigerator and go get ready" I said.

"Babe, you look fine the way you are right now, we just going out to eat breakfast, not to an expensive restaurant " Justin said and I nod.

"Yeah, let me just grab my sunglasses and purse to go" I said as I put away the saved food for later.

I walk up to my room and grab some sunglasses and my purse, then I walj back downstairs and open the front door.

"Alright, Let's go mama" Justin said and spanks me at the same time as we exit the house to the car.


Justin POV

We walk inside the most public place we can go, Denny's.

As our security helps us enter the area, me and Kylie put on our glasses and start walking inside. Girls start to scream and even working ladies too.

I think it's Kylies first time out in publice after the incident that happened between me and Sofia, but that the past, now I have Kylie.

We both sat down at a table away from all the people.
Kylie POV

I was calmly looking through the Menu and so was Justin.

Mikey was standing and doing his job, making sire no one randomly attack us.
I look at Mikey, and look at Justin.

"Justin, wouldn't you be the best boss ever if you make Mikey join us for breakfast?" I whispered to him.

Justin looks at Mikey and turns to me smiling. "True" He turns to Mikey and calls him.

"Mikey, want to join us?" He chuckles. "No thank you, I'm here because its my job to protect you, not for you to make me join you guys on eating breakfast" Mikey responded.

"No, join us, have you eaten breakfast?" I questioned. He shakes head. "Then join us" I said and Mikey puts a big smile on his face and places a chair next to me.


We finished eating our breakfast. "Thank you Justin, for letting me eat with tou two" Mikey said.

"Dont thank me, Thank Kylie" Justin told Mikey, while he reached out, grabbing my hand.

"Thanks Kylie, appreciate it" I nod and smile at him.

I turn to Justin, "So what are you gonna do right now?" I asked him.

"I actually have no plans today, I just want to spend time with you" Justin replied.

"Justin your car is ready outside" Mikey said. Me and Justin stand up and walk out to the car, with to many girls screaming while me and Justin enter the car.


Its been a veryyy long time, since ive done a chapter, but Im back! sorry guys for taking forever!

Just Another Day (Sequel to Just you & me) FanFic JylieWhere stories live. Discover now