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Kylie POV

"Um may I please ask, what's your name?" I asked the mystery girl.

"I'm Katherine" (I decided to just name her Katherine, cause I felt like it's a nice simple name)

"What did you two, do over there?" I asked.

"Well, we just spend time at his hotel, because he wanted everything private , from paparazzi" My heart was beating so quickly that I could feel it.

"Was he like, uh, romantic?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Well, he did say that he liked me a lot, and he would kiss me, plus more happened , but it's awkward to talk about that, to someone I just met" She said, my heart dropped, I felt tears wanting to come out, I just took a deep breath, but that was the worst idea I could do, suddenly I feel a tear roll down me , I rapidly wiped it off.

"Uh, why are you crying?" She asked me. "Also who are you, and what are you doing here ?" She asked.

"I'm his, uh, friend, were close , he's like one of my bestfriends" I said. "I'm Kylie by the way" I pull my hand out so she can grab it and she shakes it. She looks behind me and smiles.

"Oh hey Justin!" She said waving at him. I turn seeing Justin without a face expression and looks at her then me.

"I'll leave you two, here I guess" I said running upstairs.

"Wait, Kylie" Justin said but I didn't answer back. I walked inside my room and instantly lock it. I walked inside the bathroom and closed that door too. I sat on the toilet and cried my eye balls out.

I suddenly hear the door from the room knock. "Kylie!" I heard a voice but it didn't sound like Justin's, it was Alfredos. I open the bathroom door and then open the other door , revealing Alfredo. He walks inside and I lock the door so Justin can't come in.

"Justin just told me right now, that Katherine came" He said.

I looked at him. "Wait you knew Katherine" Alfredo looks down and stays quiet.

"Oh my god, you knew about Katherine, and you didn't tell me!" I raised my voice at Alfredo.

"Kylie, I didn't tell you because I promised Justin that I wouldn't and you know, I keep promises!" He said.

I chuckled. "Wow, cause you promised, I thought you were my bestfriend, that we wouldn't keep secrets away from eachother, for no one to hurt us, mostly our friendship, but I guess you really weren't my bestfriend." I said and opened the bedroom door. "Get of the room , I don't want to talk to you, nor Justin, I'm actually surprise that he hasn't come up here to explain everything to me" I said.

"He's downstairs wit-" I shushed him.
"I don't care if he's with her right now, I just don't want to talk to you two." Alfredo walks out.

"Kylie I'm sorry" I didn't say nothing but closed the door on his face.

I poured more tears out. I couldn't believe Justin cheated on me.

"Kylie, open the door please!" I hear Justin's voice on the other side of the door.

"No, leave, I don't want you here" I said.

"Please" He said. "Let me explain!" I walk to the door and open it.

He looks at me, with little bit of tears in his eyes. He walks inside. I sigh and sit down on the bed.

"Listen, Kylie, I'm sorry" I chuckled.

"Your sorry? Oh really? You cheated
on me Justin and I don't think I can forgive you for what you did." I said.

"But you forgave me with the situation with Hailey!" He said.

"Well because she lied and she even admitted!" I said and he looks down.

"Oh right" He had this weird face.

"Wait, did something actually happen with you and Hailey?" He didn't say anything.

"Answer me, did something fucken happen between you and Hailey while mean and you were together?" I raised my voice.

"y-yes" I felt tears in my eyes and with one blink tears roll down my cheek.

I pushed him. Since this house that I'm at right now is Justin's , I'm leaving. I ran downstairs and grabbed my phone. I walked out. I was waiting outside for my uber. After a few minutes I see the uber in front of Justin's house, I walked out, surprised, the fact that Justin didn't even chase after me. I felt like running back and listening to Justin explain everything, but at the same time, I knew I shouldn't.

I finally got to my house and walked inside closing the front door and locking it.

I looked at my phone and threw it across the room not giving a fuck if I broke it.

I walk upstairs to my closet opening it grabbing some clothes. I walk inside my bathroom and headed straight to my shower. I poured tears out as I took a shower. After about 10 minutes I finally walk out. I look at the mirror seeing myself with red eyes from the crying.

I walked downstairs and saw my phone at the corner of the living room. I walk up to it and grabbed it, walking towards the kitchen to grab a paperclip, I opened the SIM Card from my phone and grabbed it then I threw my phone breaking it in pieces.

I didn't want no one to contact me, to look for me, I wanted to be alone.
I walk upstairs and put my SIM Card in the closet where no one can find it. I grabbed a luggage and out some cloths inside and grabbed my car keys and headed out my house.

I needed to disappear so for that to happen, I'm going to be staying at a hotel for a while.

5 Days Later

I watched tv and ate some chips. I grabbed my controller as I saw Justin on the screen, I put the volune up.

"Justin Bieber has been getting in trouble lately for these couple of days, they have seen him smoking weed, drinking and cauing trouble with paparazzi, a source says that 'Justin Bieber's girlfriend Kylie Jenner has been missing for 5 days, and Justin is concerned and hurt' She is a very beautiful girl" I rolled my eyes and changed the channel.

I continued eating my chips until I felt like I needed some air so I stood up leaving the chips down and I walked to my mirror and saw my black under eyes from how much I don't sleep, also my eyes were red from the crying over the night. I grab my sun glasses and put them on and walk out with my car keys and purse.

I walk inside my car and start driving around. Until I saw Starbucks. I parked and walked out, suddenly I felt people saying my name. I turn seeing paparazzi. I put my hair on my face trying to cover myself and looked down.

"Justin is concerned about you!" One of them said, I sighed and walked inside the starbucks.

I wonder what Justin would do once he see's Kylie on the news🤔

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Just Another Day (Sequel to Just you & me) FanFic JylieWhere stories live. Discover now