Leaving Back to Tour

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Kylie POV

I wake up with no Justin next to me. I look up at the ceiling, and everything that happened yesterday just makes me smile. Justin is my boyfriend now and I'm wondering what else can happen in the future.

I grab my phone and go through my news feed on Instagram and I see pictures of my family having fun. I haven't hanged out with my family that much like I used to. Justin has been an important person in my life and me hanging out with him lately has made me miss a lot of family moments. I only have hanged out with Justin and Alfredo more.

I decide to text my mom.

Hey mom💕

Well look who it is😂

I know, haven't seen you in a while already😕

Or talked

I know😕

And why is that?


That boy, what are you two any way?

He asked me to be his girlfriend last night❤️

Well hope he makes you happy honey💕

Yes he will mom❤️

Our family trip is coming honey...


Yes, your going?😕

Ofcourse mom💕

You can invite Justin too if you want❤️

Yayyy ok😊

Well gtg im going to a meeting


Love you😘

Me too😚

I sit up on the bed and still Justin hasn't walked inside the room. "Where could he be?" I asked myself.
I look at myself seeing, I was on Justin's shirt and shorts. "Did we do it?" I said. Hope not, because I think I got drunk last night, since me and Justin celebrated our relationship.

I put on some flip flops and stand up feeling sore. "Yes we did" I said sighing. I walk out seeing Justin cooking. "Goodmorning baby" He said. I smile at him. "Good morning"

I seat on the kitchen counter. "Ow" I sigh. "We got hella drunk last night" He said.

"I know, I can tell by my soreness " He chuckles. I playfully push him. "Its not funny" I said.

"You look cute in my shirt" I blush and realize my nipples show under the shirt. I cover it with my hand. "Babe, it's not like i haven't seen them before" He said adding bacon on my plate where there were some pancakes too.

"Yum this looks so good!" I said grabbing the plate and smelling the food. I take the plate and walk to the table of two. I put it down and take a seat. Justin does the same, but turns the stove off.

"Im so lucky to actually call you mine" He said, making me smile.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked him. "We have to go back today, I'm going back to tour," My face drops.

"It's alright baby, Ill be back before you knew it, remember we have phones, tablets, laptops, anything we can use to facetime, text and call" I nod.

"When are you coming back?" I asked him.

"I don't know,why?" He answered.

"I'm having a family trip soon and my mom said It's fine if I invite you" I said.

"I'll go" He said smirking.

"But you don't know when your coming back" I said.

"I'll make some room for that to happen" I nod.


We were inside the car on our way back home, this one night trip to a little lake was fun, but I can't wait to get back home to take a nice warm shower, because the shower inside the lake house, the water was fucken cold! Me and Justin were in different cars, because of the paparazzi.

I finally got home, I turn seeing no sign of Justin. "Where is Justin?" I ask the driver. "He had to leave, Scooter wanted him already, but he left these chocolates, just for you." He smiles and gives me 5 bags of chocolates.

Even though I didn't see him, I still had fun, and I'm happy he gave me chocolates. I walk inside my house and see Alfredo and my bestfriend Stass on the couch. "What the fuck?" I said, which made them turn around. "Heyy bestfriend!" Stass said standing up and walks towards me to give me a hug, Alfredo does the same.

"What the hell are you guys doing here without me knowing!" They smile. "Huh, we came to babysit your dogs while you and Justin went that Lakehouse" I look at them in confusion.

"How did you know where I was?" I asked them.

"Justin told us to take care of anything in your house while you two are away, so no one can ruin your guy's time"

"Ohh" I said putting my purse down.

"So what happened over there? Are you two offical?" Alfredo said.

"Yes" I answered.

"Finally! He better treat you right or I will rip his head off" Stass said. I laugh.

"Wanna watch a movie now that your here?" Alfredo said.

"Yeah sure, put a Fantasy one!" I said sitting on the chair.

"Alright, Cinderella?" I nod.

"Alright, Cinderella here we come" Alfredo said, while he puts the movie.

We all sit down and watch the movie for the rest of the night.

Just Another Day (Sequel to Just you & me) FanFic JylieWhere stories live. Discover now