Were all good.

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Justin POV

Kylie has been gone for 5 days, and I have no clue where she could've gone. I've hurt her to much, it really hurts me knowing that I've hurt her. I have been calling her and texting her but it goes straight to the operator. I am sitting her with a blunt in between my two fingers. I have been the worst these five days.

I turn to the direction of my door listening it close. In walks Alfredo.

"Justin, Kylie is alright" I stand up, putting the stick on the table, turning it off, making sure it doesn't burn. 'Where is she?" I questioned.

"Shes at a hotel." I breathed out my in relief.

"As long as she's fine, I'm feeling better."

"I went to go see her yesterday and I talked about you with her, she said she doesn't want to get hurt anymore by you, by anyone." Alfredo explained.

"I don't want to hurt her, nor I'm going to again, I love her to much, I lied to her that with Hailey nothing happened much, but it did. I brought someone with me before that night she left, and only because of the stupid contracts that I have to do, I'm done signing contracts. I'm going to meet up with Scooter and tell him that I have decided to stop signing contracts for my relationship with Kylie, she got me so in love with her and Scooter has to understand." I said.

"Also stop it with these." Alfredo goes up to my beer and my drugs and grabs them, walks straight to the nearest trash he can find and throws them away. I open my mouth wide in shocked on what he just did. He turn around looking at me.

"Justin, thats ruining your life too, doing that to yourself makes you unhealthy, and worst then what you feel, you just think that it can fix anything? No it's not, so stand up, let's go to the gym, and workout and I'll take you out to eat and if you want I'll take you later to see Kylie." I let out a slightly smile on my face. I walk up to Alfredo.

I didn't say nothing, I just hug him instantly. "Thanks man, you literally are such a good friend." I told him.
"Thanks you are one too, your just a dumb dick sometimes." He said. I chuckled letting go and walking to my couch, grabbing my hoodie and putting it on covering myself.

"Let's go, I take you in my car" Alfredo said walking out and I walk behind him grabbing the water bottle on the counter and heading out afterwards, closing the door behind me.

Kylie POV

I walk inside my room and I close the door, once I close it, 5 seconds later, I hear the door knock. I sighed and put down my car keys on the bed and my drink on the counter. I walk up to the door and look in the little whole to see who it was.


I rolled my eyes and open it, revealing the whole body of Hailey, she looks at me and I stare at her. She looks down and finally says something.

"Can we talk, I really miss how we used to be friends a long time ago." I chuckled at listening to her.

"I'm being honest, remember how close we were, when us and the girls would go out." I looks at her serious.

"You ruined it by hurting me using Justin, why?" I questioned her.

"Before you started talking to Justin,  I had this major crush on him, seeing him how he felt about someone else, you, it got me super jealous, which made me do all these things with him to hurt you. In the beginning when we still friends, I was going to tell you, but I just didn't because it just couldn't slip out. But trust me Kylie, I miss you so much, how close friends we were, how we would go out those nights and have a blast. Now because of my fault, we aren't like that anymore and I regret it. But now, can you forgive me, I promise it wont bother me with you and Justin, I'm over him." I looked at Hailey with a serious face didnt say nothing for 5 seconds. A slightly smile comes out on my face, "I forgive you." She smiles at me and hugs me tight.

Just Another Day (Sequel to Just you & me) FanFic JylieWhere stories live. Discover now