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POV Kylie....

Waking up to Justin next to me, is like me waking up to a lot of chocolate snacks, when I'm on that time of month. I growl to myself. I stand up and go to the bathroom.

I walk out seeing Justin fully awake and on his phone. Once he hears me step out he turns to look at me and smiles, his smile is just the cutest.

"Goodmorning" He says, sitting up on the bed, shirtless.

"Goodmorning" I said walking to the bed and laying back down. I roll myself into a ball. I growl in pain.

"Kylie are you okay?"He said and he rubbed my back with his warm hand.

I looked at him. "That time of month" He chuckled. I looked at him serious and he stopped. He stood up and put on a white plain t shirt and after he grabbed his car keys.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"I'll be back babe" He said walking out of the room. Wow. Just left me like this.

I stood up and decided to put my hair up in a bun. I walked out of he room down the stairs.

I grabbed some waffles from the refrigerator and put them in the toaster. I heard a knock on the door so I walked up to the door opening it revealing it my amazing good friend Alfredo.

"Well look who shows up to say hi" I said and he smiles at me and turns around walking away. "What the?" I said and he turns towards me and laughs, walking to me and giving me a hug. "Needed to come to visut one of my close friends" He said walking in.

"Wheres Justin?"He questioned.

"Uh , I do not know" I said.

"He probably went out with one of his side chicks" He said looking at me and I look at him with a serious face.

He laughs. "I'm joking, he wouldn't do that, he loves you too much" He said and I smiled lightly at him.

"Well, since he left you alone let's go out to eat some breakfast?" I looked to my waffles that almost jump out from the toaster.

"I already toasted some waffles" I said walking towards the kitchen cabinet and pull out a white plate and pull out the waffles putting them on the plate. Alfredo walks up to my waffles, grabs them and throws them on floor stepping on them. My jaw drops.

"What the fuck, Alfredo!" I said.

"Oh no, now you don't have anything to eat" He said and I looked at him.

"Okay where are we going?" I said cleaning up the waffle mess on the floor and throwing it in the trash.

I hear the door open and Justin walks in. "Im back babe!" I walk to Justin with a bag. "Here you go" He said puttiing the bag on the kitchen counter and seeing Alfredo.

"Aye my dude!" He said hugging him.

I walk up to the bag and see choclates. A big smile grew on my face and I looked at him and jumped on him.

"Thank you baby!" I said , kissing his cheek.

"No problem, when a girl is on her days, her man gotta treat her like shes the most important person to them, by takig care of them" He said and smiled at me.

"Don't eat the chocolates yet, lets go out to eat some junk food first" Alfredo said and I nodded at him. "Wanna come babe?" I looked at Justin and he nodded.

"Lets go to In n Out" I smile at Alfredo after he said that.

"But through the drive thru because it's hella packed in there" Justin said, mostly since there is fans all over.


We were in the parking lot, parked eating our food. I was looking at Justin with his eyes closed and he started making sounds while eating. I look at Alfredo looking at him too then he turns to me.

Justin finally decides to open his eyes and he stays still seeing me and Alfredo. We both laugh.

Then suddenly there was a knock on the window. I turn seeing a yound girl around her 15th

I smile at her and she jumps up and down once she sees Justin. Alfredo rolls down his window.

"Please do not yell out our names, we don't want people to know were here" Alfredo told her.

"Dont worry" She said. "I'm a big fan though. Kylie can I have a selfie with you?" I nodded.

"How about all of you" She said as she reached her hand out making me, Justin and Alfredo come out we pose. "Thank you!" She said and runs off.


We were back home, and there is suddenly a knock on the door. I walk to the door while the boys were out in the back. I open the door revealing a tall brunette girl that looked like she was a model.

"Uh Hi" She said looking behind me looking around.

"Hello, may I help you?" I asked her.

"Yeah, uh, is Justin Bieber here?" she questioned.

I looked at her curious and I nodded. "May I know why you need him?"

"Well, we met during his tour, we would go out on dates, and we would spend time at hotels, but now he hasn't even replied to my text messages" My eyes widen.

"Wait during his recent tour?" She nodded.

I was in shocked, I was trying to hard to not shake. Was Justin cheating on me , during his tour, while I was back here at home...

Hey Guys! So its kind of a boring chapter, but had to atleast do somthing because I haven't updated the story for while already.

I actually have some stories that I am making and I am planning to put some up soon, one of them involves like a 50 shades of grey, type of story, and I am excited to publish some stories soon!

So I need to think of a name for this model, 🤔 ill just think

Just Another Day (Sequel to Just you & me) FanFic JylieWhere stories live. Discover now