No more Public

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Scooter POV

I walk inside the hotel seeing pillows ripped and on the floor, clothes everywhere, a mirror broken, and furniture where their not suppose to be at. I turn seeing the bathroom door open revealing a bad looking Justin.
"What the heck happened?" I said.

"What happened is that Kylie left, she left and Alfredo did too, all because of the Sofia thing on the news, I shouldn't have gone out with Sofia without Kylie knowing" Justin was horrible, he was crying, his knuckles were red, and all because of Kylie.

"Justin, just get over it, there are a lot of girls out there, like Sofia, she is a nice young girl-" Justin raises his voice. "Yeah, a young girl, who is still 17 turning 18 soon, and I don't feel confortable with Sofia!"

"Kylie is 18 about to turn 19 too!" I said. "Yeah but with Kylie its different, how long has it been since i have been this happy! huh? the last the last time I was this happy was with Selena, dont you like seeing me happy Scooter?" I sigh. "Justin, I dont want to see you like this for a girl, you should focus on your tour!" Justin shakes his head.

"Ugh, You dont get it!" Justin walks out of the room, slamming the door.


Kylie POV

I stare out of the window, finally seeing some building from the view. "Please be ready for landing, we will be landing in 5 minutes" The plane assistant said through the mic. I turn to Alfredo who was opening his eyes from waking up. "Finally, LA" I softly smile. "Yep" I said.

"You feeling better?" He asks me. I sigh "Yeah" He stares at me serious, knowing that I was lying. "Ill get better" I said looking out. "Well I have you back" He said winking at me. I nod smiling at him.

We finally were walking out and a few girls notice me and Fredo. "Oh my gosh, Hi Kylie, Hi Alfredo!" The girl said running up to us. I smile at them and walk away not wanting to hear the questions their going to ask me about Justin. Alfredo stayed behind, greeting the girls. I walk out of the airport entering inside a uber, sitting waiting for Alfredo, I turn seeing him walk inside. "They really didn't like the fact about you leaving them hanging" I bite the inside of my mouth. "I know, did you get their twitter? So i can dm them later saying sorry" He nodded. "They said that Justin is stupid for letting you go and being with Sofia" I look down and tears start coming out. "Im not going to be able to handle this whole thing, I just feel like I should not be in public for a while."

*** Later that day

I was calmly on the couch watching tv, I turned off my phone and every other technology that I have, I don't want to hear anything about Justin. I suddenly hear the door bell, I get off from the couch and walk to the door, opening it seeing Kourt and the kids.

"Hi!" Kourt says happily.

"Hey" I smile back at her, giving her a big hug and taking Penelope out of her arms to mine.

"Mom called me telling me that you came back from Justin's tour after the whole Sofia thing" Kourt said.

I look down, once I hear Kourt mention Sofia. "You know, me and Sofia were really close before, she probably did hear things about me and Justin and she still decides to be with him behind my back. She could've atleast texted me, telling me that she likes him or something" I said sitting back down on the couch with Penelope on my lap.

"It's ok, theres probably another guy out there waiting for you!" I shake my head.

"I don't want another guy, to be honest, I really do want Justin but, I just feel so mad and upset at him. I really thought he was the one" Kourt gets closer to be giving me a hug once she realizes I had tears in my eyes.

"Look, how do you think I felt when I officially broke up with Scott? It was hard, but I'm focusing on other things too, like my kids!" I nodded.

"You do know, I'm not going public for a while right?" Kourt's jaw falls wide open.

"Wait, what the fuck, really?" I nod.

"Sister, I'm here for you, if you're going to not go public, I understand, just also try to find other things to do, get your mind off Justin" I nod wiping away my tears.

Sorry that I updated so late, its just that I have been super busy with family, going through problems, but everythings going to get better soon!

I guess no more public for Kylie, for a while, in the book😢

Just Another Day (Sequel to Just you & me) FanFic JylieWhere stories live. Discover now