I Believe You

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Kylie POV

I look at him, he was staring back at me, I was in so much shock in seeing him. "Hi" I said back.

"Can I come in?" He asked and I thought if I should let him in. I could not let him come in and just close the door on his face or I can let him in, and see if we can atleast fix something.

"Yeah" I answered, opening the door wider for him to go in.

He walks in first and I walk behind him, closing the door behind me.
"Well, well ,well, if it isn't Justin Bieber" Alfredo said, and I look at him in widen eyes, trying to make Alfredo leave me and Justin alone.

"Oh well, Ill just leave you two alone, see you later Kylie" Alfredo said walking towards the door and walking out, closing the door behind him.

I sit on my couch not saying a word, waiting for Justin to tell me why he's here. He looks at me not saying nothing. I sigh realizing that he is probably not going to say nothing so I should talk first.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him "Well because I miss you Kylie" I roll my eyes and sigh. "You really want me to believe you?" He nods instantly.

"Yes! I do" He said. "That whole thing with Sofia, it was just a contract that Scooter wanted me to do, it only lasted weeks, and it's over now!" I look at him not saying nothing. "Kylie, you probably don't believe me but, it's alright, I'll be at my house in LA, for a couple of weeks before leaving again" He said walking towards the door and exiting. My mind is telling me to not go to him but my heart is telling me that what he is saying is true.

I run to the door opening it seeing Justin enetering his car depressed. "Justin!" I shout loud enough for him to hear me.
He turns to me. "Come" I said. We walks to me and I pull him inside the house and close the door. "I believe you" I said smiling at him, softly.

"But lets take it slow, Ok?" He looks at me confused.

"What do you mean slow?" He said.

"I mean, no kissing for now, not anything sexual, just bestfriends" I said and he sighs.

"But can i say I love you? or atleast show some feeling of love, like jealousy?" I chuckle and nod.

"Ok, good" He said.

I look at Justin for a while and look at my calender. "Justin" I said.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Can you believe in 2 weeks, it's going to be 1 year of meeting eachother?" His eyes go wide.

"Really? It seems like more" He said and I nod.

"Well, we should do something" Justin said grabbing his phone.

"Yeah, we should" I said.

"I have to go, need to wake up early for Ellen," I nod and walk Justin to the door.

He turns to me "I love you" He said.

Me thinking if I should say it back. Oh what the heck. "I love you too" I said smiling at him and he smiles back.

"Bye" He said walking out. "Bye" I close the door and look through my window, seeing Justin leave.

Small chapter sorry!

Just Another Day (Sequel to Just you & me) FanFic JylieWhere stories live. Discover now