Im sorry...

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Kylie POV

I was starving, Justin would always take me out to eat breakfast, but since he's in tour right now, I have to find a breakfast buddy. Khloe and Kourtney are always working out in the mornings, Kendall is probably not even in LA right now, Kim is in Paris right now. So I call my bestfriend Jordan.

"Hey Kylie" She answers.

"Hey, come with me to eat breakfast yeah?"


Me and Jordan walk to a resutrant where they give breakfast, lunch and dinner. We sat on a table.

"I am shocked that you inviting me for breakfast, is it because Justin's not here right now?" I nod and Jordan chuckles.

"I heard that he took you our to a lake house" She smirks at me and i blush looking down.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend" I said and Jordan's jaw opens wide open.

"What did you say?" She said freaking out.

"Well, yes" I said and she clapped. "Finally , you two are together!" I laughed at the way she was freaking out.


Me and Jordan were back at my place, and I was washing the dishes because my sink was packed by them. I suddenly hear the door knock, I turn off the sink and dry my hand with a paper towel. I walk to the front door and open it revealing Hailey. It's been a while since I have seen Hailey, she hated me, not sure if she still does, because of the whole Justin thing. She gives me a tiny smile.

"Uh what are you doing here?" I said and she sighs.

"Can I come in?" I look at her in confushion and nod softly.

i let her walk inside, I close the door behind me and me and Hailey walk inside the living room.

"I just wanted to come and tell you that I'm sorry, for being mean to you, I mean I was jealous because of you and Justin, he was like my bestfriend and I started having feelings for him. I knew, I had no chance on getting with him, so why did I even try to get him, before he met you, he was such a sweet person to me and it felt like if he had feelings for me, but I was wrong, he loves you now and to be honest I have never seen him this happy because of a girl, the last person I saw him happy with was with Selena"

I am shook what Hailey was saying, I didn't even say nothing, I was just shook.

"So I just really want to say I'm sorry, me and you used to have a lot of memories together and now since the whole Justin thing, everything changed," I nod smiling.

"I forgive you" I said and she smiles at me. "Really?"

"There are always second chances" I said smiling at her. She walks up to me and gives me and hug. "Thank you, for forgiving me" I nod again.

"Well I'm going to go, I have a meeting with my dad in a while, see you later?" I nod and she smiles walking outside, I walk her outside and she stops and walks back to me.

"Uh Kylie, there's a guy, here to see you, he's actually cute" She smirks and me and chuckles walking away. I see her opening the gate to let someone in, he drives his car inside and the driver door opens, revealing a guy, that it's been a while since I've seen him.


Just Another Day (Sequel to Just you & me) FanFic JylieWhere stories live. Discover now