-CHAPTER THREE : You've Gotta' Be Kidding Me!-

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"Kami, please stop apologizing before you tell me the bad news. It's really confusing." Goku said while lightly scratching the back of his head.

   Kami let out another deep sigh and turned away, walking back over to the edge of the lookout tower.
"Vegeta is the warrior who is going to kill you. He was teleported to the location of ShenLong, and is currently on his way here."

"What? Vegeta would never kill me on purpose. I know he always talks about it, but ever since Majin Buu he's different." Goku countered.
(Come on Goku, how much sense does it make to argue with God?)

"Yes, he is a different man since he sacrificed himself, there is no arguing that." Kami replied. He continued, "But his desire to end your life is still very strong. The reason he hasn't yet is because his love for his family is greater than his urge to kill you. If his family were taken out of the equation, do you really think that he would just stick around", Kami turned and looked Goku in the eyes, "because you're his friend?".

   After a moment, Goku broke the eye contact to look at the ground by his feet, feeling very uncertain about answering the question. Fact is, Kami was right, and Goku knew it.  He just couldn't make himself admit it. Then a thought crossed Goku's mind.
"Wait, are you saying you did something to Bulma and Trunks?" the saiyan asked in disbelief.

"Of course not." responded the wrinkled namek atop the lookout tower. "There is simply a spell, of sorts, that has been placed over him."

"Huh?" Goku inquired. Kami continued, "The lust in Vegeta's heart has been awoken, blinding him to all thoughts of reason. He will only be released from this spell once one of you are dead."

"I see." Goku said after a moment, half-defeatedly. "And there is no other way?"

Sure that Goku would understand this time, Kami replied "I'm sorry."

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