-CHAPTER NINE : I've Got You Now!-

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   There was, for the briefest of moments possible, a moment of absolute pause, as the two Saiyans landed in their respective stances, eyeing each other with ferocious intensity. And Goku took that moment of pause to smile. Vegeta didn't take that too well.

   The contortion on Vegeta's face... well, let's just say it's amazing he doesn't have permanent damage! But as Vegeta wound back a right hand to deliver on the chin of his opponent, much to the infuriation of the Prince, Goku simply put two fingers to his forehead and disappeared.

    The horrendous sounds that Vegeta made in response have no known alphabetical references, so trying to spell them as an onomotopea is currently impossible.

   Goku could have potentially gone anywhere in the existence of creation, but he wasn't trying to run. He was trying to buy some time, to figure out a more solid plan, because he now knew his current one left him outclassed and vulnerable.

   As Elder Kai and his pupils sat around the crystal ball watching the battle, they never expected Goku to just decide he was going to show up and watch, too! But in he warped, right behind the crystal ball, causing Elder Kai to fall backwards and kick the Crystal ball over while the other two merely flinched an inch or two.

   Goku took out a sensu bean and ate it, just to be safe.

"Sorry about that, Elder Kai. I really need to start warning people before I do that." Apologized earth's full time hero.

"I'll say!" Exclaimed the Kai, clawing viciously to get back up as his disciples rushed to his aid. "Get back, you idiots! It's too late now, you see?!"

"Does anybody have any ideas? I'm open to just about anything at this point." Said Goku in desperation. He was running out of time, and he knew it. Vegeta was closing the gap quicker than Goku had ever experienced before, which was rather unnerving.

"Goku, you seem to misunderstand." Said the elderly blue man. "ShenLong wouldn't have granted the wish if there was any other way."

   Goku looked down while his fists tightened so hard that most of his knuckles popped, even after the scuffle just moments ago.

"But there's gotta be something.. somewhere.."


   But there was no more time to talk. Vegeta was way too close for comfort, and Goku wasn't any closer to a solution than before. The warrior looked up at the three deities in front of him.

"Well if you think of anything before it's too late, let me know please."

"Of course, Goku." Said Kibito Kai. "What are you going to do?"

   Goku was about to answer, but time was up. Even if they couldn't sense the power Vegeta was emitting from his body, his sheer presence alone would have grasped their attention.

   Goku's aura instinctively flared around him as he took to the skies, trying to lure Vegeta away. But once again, he under estimated Vegeta. He didn't make it 100 yards before his Saiyan elder was feet behind him.

   Goku kicked it in to high gear, but again, not in time. A crippling blast of ki slammed home to the back of Goku's skull, causing him to see a bright light and sputter out of control momentarily. Which was all Vegeta needed.

   The Prince grabbed the younger Saiyan by his foot with one hand and spun him around. With the other hand, which was now enveloped by a dark blue ki, he smashed Goku's face with his fist, earning another agonizing scream.

   Although Vegeta would have been enjoying the fight, he didn't stop with his attack. He was definitely going for the kill. Because, despite what Goku had thought, the Prince really was not in control of his actions. It's sort of like when you're in a dream, and you know you're dreaming but can't do anything about it. Except we all wake from a dream eventually. Vegeta could not until Goku was dead, or the Prince of all Saiyan's would sadly never wake again.

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