-CHAPTER ONE : Just Another Day...-

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   It was business as usual in West City as the sun barely peeked it's glare over the mountain range, filling the sky with peach and violet clouds. Streets were jammed with traffic as everyone ran to get to work on time, honking horns out of frustration due to the dead crawl of the pace, shouting and exchanging threats tit for tat.
"I can't just move, you moron!...",
"How's about I come over there and shove that Kami-damned horned up your a-...".
   Gaining the attention of all below, the civilians had looked up just in time to see a streaking tracer that glowed brilliantly, followed by a huge gust of air.
   Saiya-Man, to the rescue! Gohan, suited in his black hero costume/disguise, was on his way to attend class at the university, stopping only to make his daily rounds of unclogging traffic. A few wrecked vehicles slid off to a shoulder, injured civilians transported to safety, helping granny across the street in a timely, but safe, manner. It's all in a day's work, for Saiya-Man!
   Across town, a certain prince had been awake for hours already. It was typical of Vegeta to have risen by 3A.M, and immediately would hit the gravity chamber. He had learned, thru much excruciating trial and error, that his best training sessions, and therefore the most effective, were those done while the chaotic world outside was resting.
   Actually, it had nothing to do with the world- any of it. Not one thing. The fact was, that damned woman was always up his ass about something, and with the gravity chamber not going anywhere, he was like a sitting duck; awaiting ambush.
   About a mile outside of Capsule Corp., in the thicket of the forest, Trunks and Goten were just rustling to life, having had passed out the night prior from exhaustion due to a very intense sparring match. The rest of the Z-Fighters were either just getting up, or shortly thereafter, getting ready for yet another day full of life and adventures.
   Of them all, however, only Vegeta rose for the day earlier than Goku, who loved the tranquility of those twilight hours even more than did Prince Vegeta. With the ability to teleport to any place in existence, it wasn't the undisturbed silence of those hours that kept him addicted as much as it was just the simple fact of being alive, again, and back on earth; at home.
   Goku meditated for an hour or so, until the sunrise had given way to light blue skies, before finding his feet again. He then quickly, but very thoroughly, stretched all of his core muscle groups before taking to the morning skies. Today was the day he had lost sleep over the night previous, being over excited.
   He landed at the main entrance to Capsule Corp. and entered the massive structure. He could have landed on Bulma and Vegeta's balcony, but considering what happened last time he did that, he chose a more civilised method of entry. After all, his two friends deserved to make their children in private if they so chose. Who was he to halt the procreation of life, especially when it was helping to restore his race of people?
   He nodded, smiling at the lobby clerk as he walked passed. She smiled back, recognizing him immediately, before punching a key on her intercom to inform Mrs. Briefs of their visitor. She was late for a company meeting that morning and tasked Vegeta with catering to their guest and friend.

   Vegeta reluctantly accepted, but only after a clever comment on the subject, and tracked the younger saiyan down in no time.
"Did you enter my residence for the sole purpose of depleting my food supply?", Vegeta asked Goku as he walked up on the younger saiyan in the cafeteria. Not surprised to hear Vegeta's voice he spun around, mouth stuffed with food and the bowl of rice still in his hand.
"Hoy, Bujetuh", Goku mumbled, struggling to not lose even one precious ounce of his delicious cargo.

   Vegeta rolled his eyes while Goku finished chewing and swallowed loudly.
"Great. Not just a clown: a clown with no table manners." Vegeta teased, using that guarded sense of humor that only he possesses.

   Goku stood up and stretched eccentrically before abruptly burping very loudly. Covering his mouth, Goku immediately apologized.
"Oops! Sorry about that, excuse me."
"Spare me the pleasantries, Kakarot. State your purpose for being here so I can resume my day.", said Vegeta in a serious tone.
Goku's face became serious too, replacing the stern undertone of Vegeta's features with the playful one of his own.

"Well it's pretty straight forward, really.", he continued, "It's been such a long time since I've been able to cut loose with my SSB ability, so i was thinking of a place where I- where we, could do that."
"I said spare me the pleasantries. Get to the point." Vegeta said, even though he was obviously much more intrigued now than he had been before.
"Right. ", replied Goku, a warm smile lighting his features. "I was thinking if you would maybe like to join me for a year in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. You know, so we could do some real SSB exercises."

   Vegeta blinked hard at Goku, arms still folded, surprised beyond belief from what the younger Saiyan just spoke from his mouth.
"And you're just now asking me this?!", Vegeta said in an annoyed tone of voice. "Just because I love the prospect of whooping your ass every day for a year, doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to be notified in advance.", he added.

   Goku, scratching the back of his head, smiled deeply and apologized.
"Awh, come on, Vegeta. I didn't think about it, cut me some slack. We can wait until tomorrow, if you want?", he offered as reconciliation.

"You embecile, what makes you think I'm even accepting your little invitation?", shot Vegeta as he turned to the side, folded his arms and looked in the opposite direction of Goku. "For your information, I happen to have a full schedule of activities."
"Oh, okay then. I just thought you would do anything to keep up with m...-", Goku was interrupted by Vegeta.
"But, I'm sure I can push some things around and fit it in, considering how long it's been." Vegeta said looking back to Goku, a large grin smeared across his face.

Goku smiled, taking the joke in stride.
"Great. When will you be ready?" Vegeta grumbled as he turned on heels and marched off. Goku, confused by the sequence that just manifested, said after him, "Hey, Vegeta!? Where are you going?"
"Quit your complaining, I'll be right back." Vegeta shot back.

   Goku continued inhaling food for a few minutes more, and when Vegeta re entered the cafeteria, he didn't have to say a word. Goku took a couple steps toward Vegeta before stopping, one hand holding two fingers to his forehead, the other outstretched toward Vegeta.

"Hn, predictable behavior." shot Vegeta, continuing; "There is no need for my touching you, considering that we are in no rush."
"Awh, come on Vegeta! Don't you wanna start right now?" Goku countered.

   The two saiyans almost made it out of the exit doors, until Goku challenged Vegeta to a game of 'rock, paper, scissors'.
"Unless you're afraid you'll lose to a "third-class fighter, -" Goku teased, knowing full well how to get Vegeta to comply.

   Vegeta stopped on a dime and spun 180° on his heels, stopping when he locked eye contact with the other Saiyan.

...10 seconds later...

   Goku and Vegeta were atop the lookout tower. Vegeta was pissed for losing.
"Kakarot, you cheating bastard!" he was roaring, "When i catch you cheating, so help me Kami, I w...-"

   "Actually, I'm afraid not even i can help you now," came the elderly namekian's voice, snapping Vegeta out of his rage.
Both Saiyans corrected their body's so they could greet the great Kame, and it wasn't until then that they took notice of the skies.

   From where they stood on the lookout tower, off in the depths of endless, pitch black storm clouds, was a clear and unmistakable sight: The Eternal Dragon of Earth, The Mighty ShenLong.

   But that meant that ShenLong was granting one soul their heart's desire...

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