-CHAPTER FOUR : The P.O.A(plan of action)-

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   Goku then knew why he couldn't feel Vegeta's energy; because Vegeta had turned SSB, and only a god can sense another god's ki.

   Goku ascended on the spot. Although it took little more effort than a grunt, the spectacle of the transformation was always breathtaking. It has also been known to terrify people from it's awesome display of raw power.

   Immediately, Goku could sense Vegeta's energy, and it made him shutter before reeling back a few steps; shocked and disbelieving.

"Kami, I thought you said you didn't give Vegeta any power boosts?"
"Correct." the guardian replied.
"Well, I don't know if you can sense god ki or not, but Vegeta is a LOT stronger than he was just minutes ago. It almost feels like it did when he was being controlled, you know by Babidi."

   Kami looked up before turning 90° to the left and followed the railing of the lookout tower. Goku, surprised by how swift and agile the elderly namek was, quickly caught up with his stride.
"So, what's the plan?" the saiyan asked.
"You seem to imply that I will somehow help you?" came the response.

   Goku stopped, surprised but also hurt by Kami's statement. Kami stopped walking and sighed before continuing, "I am not allowed to interfere with a wish that has been granted using my own power." he explained. "Aside from that, how much help could I provide against an enemy with such tremendous strength?"

   Goku was relieved and smiled as he once again caught back up to Kami, who continued his course along the railing after his last statement.
"There is nothing stopping me, however, from getting a bag of sensu beans from Korin and accidentally 'losing' them. Is there?" Kami said warmly, deepening Goku's smile as well as his understanding.

"Kami," he said, "no need. I can just IT there. Besides, Vegeta will be here any minute."
"About that." replied Kami, stopping abruptly. "I would greatly appreciate it if you would hold your battle elsewhere. It is of tremendous effort that this tower was built, I would hate to see it decimated."
"No problem, Kami. I'm way ahead of you!" Goku said matter of factly, a smile gracing his face.
"Excellent." Kami responded.

   Goku put two fingers to his forehead and smiled at Kami. "Thanks again for everything, Kami." Kami just nodded.

   With that, Goku disappeared from view.
'Good luck, Goku,' Kami thought, 'you're going to need it'.

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