-CHAPTER SEVEN : Daaammnnn!-

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   An explosion of colossal proportions followed, and by the time the light dissipated and the smoke settled, Vegeta had regained his eyesight. It didn't quite take that long for him to realize that he should be dead, however.

   Vegeta looked at the new landscape around him and started to show his anger.


"So you like the new back drop, do you?" Goku replied in a taunting tone of voice. "I just thought you might pull something like that, so I brought us to a world that can not be destroyed. I'm surprised you don't recognize this place, Vegeta. It's-" He was cut off.

"This is where we destroyed Kid Buu, I know, you embecile!"

"Well th-" again, he was cut off.

   Vegeta warped in right behind him, so fast that Goku couldn't track any of it, leaving him in awe. Vegeta started laughing maniacally, the sound echoing for miles. There they stood, two of the most fierce warriors in the multiverse, back to back, as though they were fighting together.

"Wow, Vegeta. That power boost from Kami must have been substantial. I couldn't even see you just now."

Vegeta laughed sedistically again. "I received no such power boost, you fool. This is my 100% natural strength and speed. Amazing isn't it?" He laughed again, this time sending shivers down Goku's back.

"That's not true. I can sense something else there, like when Babidi had control ov-" Goku was struck on the base of the neck, nearly making him lose consciousness.

"YOU CLOWN! NOBODY HAS EVER, AND NOBODY WILL EVER, CONTROL MY MIND BUT..." Vegeta warped in front of Goku's falling path, with a sphere of yellow ki pulsing in his hand, and placed it firmly on Goku's stomach, causing him to widen his eyes in realization of what was coming. Vegeta finished his sentence, "ME!!!" and let go of the energy in his hand.

   A huge cloud of smoke covered them as Goku let out a torturous squeal of pain. Moments later his limp body came dropping from the bottom of the cloud, and a few moments after that, a crash where Goku had impacted the ground.

   Goku struggled to one knee and as he was about to stand, realized Vegeta was already in front of him.

'Damn,' he thought, 'How did Vegeta get so strong?'

Vegeta saw the look on Goku's face,  which obviously gave away his thoughts, causing the Prince to crack a massive grin in satisfaction.

"You remember how I was being trained by Whis while you weren't there?" Vegeta asked through his grin. Goku went into a flashback from when he and Vegeta had lifted the weights at Beerus' planet, trying to outrun the collapsing ground behind them. He came to as Vegeta continued.

"Of course you do. That's the answer to your-" he kicked Goku in the chest, causing him to yelp in agony and fly back hundreds of yards, tumbling and skidding to a halt. "questions!" Vegeta finished. He smirked, warped in by Goku, and said "More like your problems.", and laughed evilly.

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