-CHAPTER SIX : And So It Begins...-

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   Goku had appeared approximately 20 feet in front of Vegeta, causing the possessed Saiyan to scream and turn from his path at the last second. (He will NEVER get used to Instant Transmission!) By the time Vegeta had regained composure and looked at Goku, the latter had transformed into his SSB glory. Goku shuddered violently at the sight of his Saiyan comrade. Vegeta's skin was more pale than ever, almost a gray shade, and his eyes were void of pupils and coloration; completely blank white, save for a red trim of which Goku couldn't tell if it was blood or not.

"So you showed up, after all." Vegeta said coldly, a wicked grin plastered on his face. There was something in his voice, something that wasn't Vegeta at all. It was definitely apparent that Vegeta was under some kind of spell or possession.

"What? You didn't think I was going to run, did you? From you?" Goku replied, being cocky on purpose to get a rouse out of Vegeta.

"Hn! You might not be afraid of me, Kakkarot, but you will be dead soon enough. This body pleads for me to destroy as little of this world as possible. But it's not this planet that I'm after. Now if you don't mind, I would like to get this over with." said the possessed Prince.

   Goku knew he had to buy more time.

'King Kai, how's that coming along?  Any word yet?'

'I just got the clearance as you messaged me. You're in the clear, Goku. Good luck!'

'Right. Thank you again, King Kai. I will definitely make this up to you.'

'Darn right, you will!'  King Kai half joked.

Vegeta shocked Goku by his next statement.

"You don't really think that useless deity you know is going to be able to save you, do you? From someone else, maybe. Not from me." Vegeta smirked.

"I see you're still as arrogant as ever. At least I know Vegeta's still in there somewhere." Goku said. Continuing, "And he isn't going to save me, we're  going to save the planet."

"And I see that you are still as stupid as ever. I already told you, you are my objective. Not this worthless rock." Vegeta responded.

"Nevertheless, it wouldn't take long for our battle to destroy this planet. Then we would both be dead."

   Vegeta threw up one eyebrow, then looked down at the planet. "Ah, yes. That's a marvelous idea!" He roared, followed by maniacal laughter. He stuck both hands in front of him and yelled. "FINAL.."

Goku, caught off guard, barely had time to react. Luckily, he had already worked out a plan in his head, back at the lookout, and was ready to execute that plan. Otherwise, Vegeta would have succeeded, and neither one of us would be here right now.

Goku threw both hands in front of his face: fingers spread and pointing to  each other, palms towards his face, and shouted "SOLAR FLARE!"

Vegeta grabbed his eyes, his ki blast evaporating into nothing. "RRRAAHHHGGG! You pathetic, cheap coward! You'll pay for that!" Shouted the Prince.

Then he heard a sharp whizzing sound behind him and tensed up. A light hand on his shoulder, then another, louder whizzing sound. Vegeta threw a mighty back fist that connected on Goku's temple, sending him hurtling thru cliff after cliff.

"This ends now!" Shouted Vegeta. "FINAL FLASH ATTACK!" And sent a massive wave of purple ki hurtling towards the planet.

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