-CHAPTER EIGHT : Technical Tactics - Fancy Footwork-

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   Just then, as Goku lay there in front of Vegeta, the latter of which was smirking and getting ready to charge a ki blast, Goku saw something- something in Vegeta's eyes. It was a look that was very familiar to Goku, having had seen it before on the Prince many a years ago, at their first meeting on earth. Also, once more, on planet Namek, after Vegeta had been resurrected, he flew up to Goku and Frieza and was dead set on killing Frieza.

   And now, as both times before, Goku could see the passion burning in Vegeta's eyes. There's no doubt about it: Vegeta wasn't just born to fight, he was born to kill. But it was that very look that made Goku think that maybe Vegeta wasn't being controlled all that much as he thought...

   Vegeta's smell faded into a deep scowl, the likes of which only fit comfortably on the face of Broly, as he started to very slowly accumulate a neon sky blue ball of death in his hands, which was outstretched before him pointing down toward Goku's fragile looking body.

"Now stay still and die with what little pride you have left, if you even have any at all." Said the Prince in a very cold and callous tone. The energy in his palm was now the diameter of his whole hand, and he decided to get one last word in before obliterating his nemesis once and for all.

"I'm going to enjoy this more than you could ever know, "Goku". "

   It was with that mocking attitude and tone; Goku now had no doubts left. He was positive that Vegeta was not under any mind control at all. He was acting of his own free will. This knowledge gave Goku a sudden burst of energy, and he capitalized by springing into action.

   Goku swung one leg with all his might while placing both hands on the ground below him for leverage, as well as for a pivot point, driving his shin into Vegeta's foundation leg: the leg his weight was resting on.

   Vegeta saw Goku as he started this movement, and being currently faster than Goku, was able to get his attack off in time. However, he was unable to both attack and evade the leg sweep in time, and his world turned upside down instantly; he slammed on his back, hard.

   Goku would have surely been injured severely by the ki attack which, despite it's moderate size, Goku knew was very potent and concentrated. But being a naturally gifted fighter, Goku has the uncanny ability to predict his enemies movements, as displayed in his fight against Hit The Assassin during the tournament between universe's 6 & 7.

   Thanks to this- "gift", Goku was able to extend a hand towards the incoming blast, catching it head on, palming it like a baseball. Still spinning from the leg sweep, he used the momentum to deflect the ki attack off into the distance, where it exploded and took out half of a mountain.

   Continuing with the momentum, Goku swooped his other leg in the same direction as the first, then twirled both legs as they were above his head, generating even more momentum that he used to spring off of his hands and land in his fighting stance.

   As he was doing that, Vegeta had fallen onto his back, but had braced himself in time by putting both hands behind his head while allowing his legs to continue flying over his head.

   Once he landed on his back, mainly by his shoulder blades, he tucked his knees in towards his chin, before thrusting his legs straight while doing the same to his torso.

   Pushing off with his hands, the Prince jumped nearly four feet. Arching his back he rotated forward, until gracefully landing in his fighting stance.

   He had effectively hit the ground and rebounded, as though played in reverse immediately after happening. Both fighters' heels touched earth at the same instant.

   The difference was, Goku had already planned his next few moves, which should, at least, buy him some time to figure something out.

   He hoped...

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