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All night Sheldon was thinking of the kiss.
How he felt, how she felt, how it felt.
He couldn't get her out of his mind.

"She has powers over me, great powers" he said to himself.

Sheldon took the first step by kissing her but it wasn't enough.
He wants her to know that he's in love with her, he wants to show her.
He's not usually the romantic type and he's almost curtain that he knows nothing about romance, but now....he's going to learn.
He went on the internet and searched every website and page about what women like and how to make them really happy.
He found pages about flowers,jewelry,cooking and all different things.
But there was one idea that really caught his eye...
She will love it.

"This is perfect" he whispered to himself

*Thursday morning*

Amy woke up with a gigantic smile on her face.
All night she thought and dreamt about Sheldon.
She always did, but this time it was different.
When she dreams about him she has to make up scenarios that she hopes will one day happen.
But this time she just closes her eyes and remembers. 
Remembers the feel of his lips and beautiful hands, the way his perfect blue eyes looked in the shine of the light,
The way he blushed when she said he was handsome....
the way he said he loved her.

My Sheldon

"He's perfect" she said to herself as she got up to get ready for work.
Hey Sheldon how was your date with Amy? Did you say what you wanted to? Leonard asked him as they got ready for work.

"I...I did" Sheldon smiled and grabbed his bag.

Leonard was shocked and also very happy for him.

"Wow, good for you buddy I'm really proud of you.
Are you happier now?"

Sheldon remembered last night a thought about the way he felt and how she made him feel...it was amazing.

"I am" Sheldon blushed and walked out the door.

*Thursday afternoon*

Amy walked into work feeling refreshed and happy.
She had no reason to be upset or unhappy today until she saw a familiar face standing next to her door.


He looked at her up and down with a evil and sneaky look on his face. She was some what creeped out, but shrugged her shoulders because it was Kripke.

(I tried writing it how Kripke talks but it didn't work so I wrote it normally. My apologies😂❤)

"Hello Amy" Kripke said with a grin.

"Hi Kripke what can I help you with?" she was confused and just wanted to go into her lab but he was infront of the door.

"I heard you have been moving up in your reaserch, that's pretty impressive" He started to move closer to her.

"Uh...yeah...thanks" she said as she took a step back.

"You know...Dr Cooper should be proud, I bet he's not.
If I was yours....

*Kripke walked right infront of Amy*

"I would be so proud of you" Kripke said with a uncomfortable grin.

Amy felt really weirded out and she just wanted to leave but still he was in the way.
Kripke looked at Amy and put his hands on her shoulders.

"He should treat you right...I would be so good to you"

"I'm sorry I really need to go" Amy said feeling grossed out.

"But Amy you need to give me a chance.
You are perfect for me and pooper Cooper is not."

His Amy (Shamy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now