The box

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●Extra smut warning ;)●

Very long chapter just fyi♡
Recap: Amy looked at the missed calls...Mary Cooper.

Amy's heart thumped. Should she call Mary back? Should she leave it for Sheldon to deal with? She didn't know if it was her place to be in between Sheldon's family crisis,
but then again Mary did say Amy was family.

She decided to call her back. It would be rude of her to see that Mary called but not respond to her. Ecspecially in a time like this.

*Phone dials*

"Hello?" Mary said somewhat quietly.

"Hi Mary it's Amy." already Amy was worried about how this conversation was going to go, but she held on.

"Oh yes, hi dear. How have you been?"

Amy smiled, she rubbed her neck where Sheldons marks were and she blushed.

"Pretty well actually. How have you been holding up?
Are you okay?" Amy wasn't sure if she should be asking the questions, rather than just answering them, but it was the polite thing to do.

"Well, it's hard you know? But honestly everyone here is really happy that Sheldon is coming down soon.
We're a wreck without him.
When he was younger and his father and I would argue,
he never said a word. But then after it was over he'd be the first one to cheer us all up, put light in the room of darkness.
We all find him annoying at times, I think everyone does, but he was always so good.
Such a bright, smart, gentle, intelligent man."

Amy's heart fluttered. She understood completely what Mary was talking about. Once you honestly met him and understood his ways of life, you would love him.
Even if you hated to love him.

"I understand that. He really is amazing.
When he is done in the shower I can tell him to call you,
I'm taking him to get his phone fixed later today so it's not so confusing anymore." Amy tried to talk as calmly and as sweetly as she could, even though she was so nervous she thought she was going to be sick.
You know what they say, first impressions last a lifetime.

"How awfully sweet of you. And that sounds like a good idea for him to talk to me later, you know how crazy he gets when he doesn't know when or where things are happening.
He gets that OCD from his meemaw. Hers was never quite as serious though, she was just always cleaning.
I think that's part of the reason why her and Sheldon shared such admiration for eachother. They both were very organised, very clean, and knew exactly what they wanted in life."

Again Amy's heart started to ache for him.
If she was in his shoes, she wouldn't be able to live.
Just imagine having you're favourite person in the world, your prized possession, being ripped out of your hands without the ability to grasp onto it was terrifying.

"I'm very sorry for your loss. If there's anything I could do to help then I would."

Mary thought for a moment and realised she was really starting to like Amy. If she's as polite and we'll mannered as she seemed in real life then she might really like her.

"Well I have to go out for a while, later on, to arrange the funeral. So would you mind writing a few things down so Sheldon can see them? just in case I'm not back in time."
Marys voice was soft. Her texan accent was peeking through and oddly enough it gave Amy a sense of comfort.

"Of course, no problem. What would you like me to write." Amy grabbed a pen and a peice of paper then sat at the island (table).

Mary gave Amy the date she wants Sheldon to arrive on, how long she wants him to stay, the date of the funeral,
and the name of the church.
Sheldon would obviously know the name when he got there, but Mary assumed he would want to research it first,
to make sure it's 'suitable'.

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