It's time

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Sheldon woke up at 6am and opened his eyes to find Amy snuggled into his chest.
She was so warm and the scent of his star wars shampoo in her hair made him fall even more in love with her.
He smiled, and as he almost fell back asleep he felt Amy jolt up.
He put his arm's around her and moved the hair from her face.

"Amy are you okay?"

"Oh yeah...just a nightmare about earlier...sorry if I woke you."

He could feel her shaking and he felt so sad but also extremely aggravated at Kripke.

"Amy don't be sorry. It's not your fault, don't worry im here...I'll always be here."

He put one arm behind her head and the other arm around her waist then pulled her close to him.

"I love you Sheldon."

"I love you too." He said while wrapping himself around her.

She was still shocked when he touched her and held her like this. Yes she loved it more than anything but it was so different, a good different of course.

She put her hands on his arm and softly rubbed it.
He smelt so good and she felt so happy to be this close to him.
She smiled as she realised he fell back asleep and he was quietly snoring in her ear.

*Mmm* Sheldon hummed.

Amy giggled as he rubbed her thigh. He's perfect, there's no other word to describe him.
She lifted his arm and kissed his hand before closing her eyes and going back to sleep.
Sheldon smiled.

They seemed to be saying
'I love you' to eachother more often now.
Neither of them minded, they liked it actually.
It was just really new to them.
It was probably best that they both got constant reminders...after what happened with Kripke, who knows the last time they can say it to eachother.

*Sunday morning
(Amy's birthday)*

It was 10am and Sheldon had just woken up.
He wasn't used to waking up this late but since everything that happened yesterday, and how late him and Amy went to sleep, he didn't mind too much.

"Its her birthday." Sheldon whispered to himself as he looked down and saw Amy still wrapped around him.
He was nervous about today but after everything they have been through, he had to do this for her. Hopefully she would like it.

He slowly climbed out of bed without waking Amy to start making breakfast.
First he went to see if Leonard was awake, Sheldon was certain Leonard would bombard him with questions about lastnight, but he wasn't there.
He must have went to Penny's.

Sheldon thought about putting on a shirt but he knows how much Amy likes his body so he kept it off.
It is her birthday after all.

He often wondered why she liked his body so much.
He knows that she is really self conscious...but does she know that he is?

He tries to act like he isn't by playing it cool and always talking highly about himself, but what good does hiding it do?
Before he met Amy he didn't even like looking in the mirror.
He knows he is extremely smart and intelligent but when it comes to his body confidence...he barely has any.

Since Amy complemented his chest he started to wonder, maybe he is good looking.
Maybe he should start liking his body instead of hiding it.
He didn't want to hide behind his girlfriends body like Leonard or hide behind his unnecessary creepy jokes like Walowitz but he did want confidence.
And now because of Amy, he had some.

"Gosh your amazing Amy Farrah Fowler." He whispered to himself as he smiled.

He looked through his cupboards to find a nice meal to make her. Something romantic maybe?
He's not sure what she will find romantic about star trek shaped cereal...and that's not much of a meal...

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