Director Fury

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Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading my story :) Hope you are still liking it xD Leave comments please!! I would love to hear what the readers think! 

[The Avengers joined the chatroom]

Steve: Avengers Assemble!

Tony: Why are we assembling?

Steve: I dont know I just enjoy saying that.

Tony: -_-  Hey steve you know instead of saying "i dont know" you can just type 'idk'

Steve: What does idk mean

Tony: I don't know

Steve: Well then why yould you tell me to type it?

Tony: ughh

Bruce: So me and Tony were doing science before, and guess what?

Natasha: What?

Bruce: We discovered some awesome things!

Natasha: Like what!?

Bruce: We cant tell :( sorry

Natasha: Awww why not? 

[Fury joined the chatroom]

Fury: Because its classified.

Natasha: Oh.. Hi Director Fury

Fury: Hello Agent Romanoff

Steve: *salutes* Hello Director Fury

Fury: Rogers put your hand down, there is no need to salute me over a chat website!

Steve: Sorry sir :(

Tony: Fury

Fury: Tony

Thor: thor!

Fury: Hello Thor.

Thor: did i win? was that a midgardian game?

Tony: -_- no Thor it was not

Clint: Hey Director Fury! Got any classified missions for me and Natasha to go on?

Fury: No. Stop asking me for the MILLIONTH TIME!

Clint: Psssh I never ask you that.

Fury: Yeah? Explain the continuous calls and texts I have been getting from you saying the same exact thing. Oh did I forget to mention the emails, and you even posted the same stupid question on the SHIELD website!

[Clint left the chatroom]

Natasha: Ugh he just wants to have Budapest all over again.

Tony: Budapest?

[Natasha left the chatroom]

Tony: Fury, what happened in Budapest?

Fury: I don't even know. But that is all the bird talks about. 

Bruce: I don't want to know... 

Steve: I wanna know..

Thor: fury! how have you been?

Fury: Fine Thor. Hbu?

Thor: hbu?

Fury: I just said fine, hbu?

Thor: hbu? 

Tony: I assume he doesn't know the meaning of hbu

Fury: Great another person who is disabled in the art of text. 

Steve: Who is the other one?

Tony: YOU!

Steve: ooooohhh

Fury: I gtg guys! ttyl!!

[Fury left the chatroom]

Thor: gtg?

Steve: ttyl?

Tony: Ugh you guys are retards

[Tony left the chatroom]

Bruce: Well then... uhhh.. 

[Bruce left the chatroom]

Steve: Is he serious? Now how am I going to find out what that means?

Thor: i know how to make it better!!

Steve: How thor? WAIT! Don't say poptarts or shwarma!!

[Thor left the chatroom]

Steve: I knew it... 

[Steve left the chatroom]

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