Fury Returns!

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Author's Note: Hola! Hope you all had a great Christmas! :P I sure did! This chapter is Sorta short :3 i hope you still enjoy it anyways!! Please comment ideas, I will probably use some and I will give Credz to the person who comes up with them! Thanks! O yes, please feel free to follow me I am @avengers_fangirl! Every follower means a lot

[Tony joined the chatroom]

[Loki joined the chatroom]

Loki: O u have got to be kidding me

Tony: Hey reindeer games! How goes it?

Loki: How goes what?

Tony: ugh I gotta teach you and Thor how to speak earth

Loki: you don't have to teach me anything, intact you don't even have to talk to me

Tony: oh come on loki!! Yah know, if you were less of an asshole to us maybe we could become friends!

Loki: friends? Hah! After New York, I think friends is never going to happen

Tony: ya never know :)

[Fury joined the chatroom]

Tony: Director Fury how nice to see you joining the chatroom of awesomeness :)

Fury: I am not here to talk Tony, I am here to investigate.

Tony: investigate what?

Fury: is it true that you have been talking to the war criminal?

Tony: uh.. By war criminal who do u mean?

Fury: Thor's brother

Tony: uh no of course not

Fury: really? How stupid do u think I am. I see his name in the dam chatroom

Loki: Dam

Tony: Well... U can deal with this yourself loki, I'm going to go drink some scotch and enjoy my life before Fury comes after me... Furyously

Loki: Ba dum tss

Tony: lolz bai :P

[Tony left the chatroom]

Fury: on a level of 1 to Hulk smashed how screwed do you think you are?

Loki: I think... That I'll just be going now

Fury: oh no you don't!!

[Loki left the chatroom]

Fury: dam! I'll get you next time!

[Bruce joined the chatroom]

Bruce: :o director fury!

Fury: don't be so surprised Bruce...

Bruce: uh yes sir

Fury: how much would u enjoy smashing Loki as u did in

stark tower?

Bruce: very much sir

Fury: well.. I give u my full permission.

Bruce: thanks! I'm totally pumped! I'm gonna set up a video camera and some chairs for spectators!

Fury: I'll get the popcorn!

Bruce: yay!!

Fury: this is going to be all over the SHIELD website!

Bruce: u know it!

[Bruce left the chatroom]

[Fury left the chatroom]

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