Chapter 7

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Kanan's POV:

Days passed and we had to watch Ezra. Ahsoka thinks he has allies who are trying to hunt us. Like Barriss Offee. I think Ezra knows that we watch him. And he never loses grip on his blaster. That's scaring me. It has been 10 days now and I'm walking towards Ahsoka.

"Ahsoka? Any news?"

"Yes. Lock him. And don't let him go."

"What? Why?"

"I was right. He knows Barriss. We have to take him as our prisoner before he takes us."

I nodded and told the others.

"I'm sorry Ezra..." I said before I entered his room.

He turned around when I entered and I grabbed his arms. He started yelling at me that I had to let go, but I didn't. Zeb stunned him with my blaster and Sabine helped me to put on the handcuffs. We carried him off the Ghost and placed him in one of the cells.

"And now, we wait." Ahsoka said showing up behind us.

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