Chapter 3.6

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{I am back peopleeeeeeee!}

Ezra's POV:

I walked around the base, trying to find my uncle, Rex. After 10 minutes I found him sitting in Ahsoka's old room. I wanted to call him, but he was first.

"Why are you here, kid?"

"Why are YOU here? Your room is at  the other side of the base?"

"This was going to be our daughters room. I come her often."

I looked at the ground and thought about my next move.

"I don't blame you, Ezra. Now... why are you here?"

"I-I had a vision... and I thought you could help me."

"Don't you need Kanan?"

"No. I need you."

He was shocked, but smiled.

"Okay. With what can I help you?"

I took a deep breath. I cannot go back now...

"I need a ship."



"Okay. But I'm not letting you fly with those wounds. I'm going with you."

"Fine for me." I said with a smile.

"When do we leave?"

I looked at the clock and then outside.


Unknown POV:

I watched how 2 cadets tried to catch a droid, but failed miserably. Until Lord Vader entered.

"Can I help you, my Lord?"

"I feel a disturbance in the force. Send the fleet to Lothal ."

"As your wish, my Lord."

Vader left the room and I ordered my security guys to get agent Kallus. I believe he knows more about the Rebels. The door hissed open and I turned around.

"You called me, Admiral?"

"I did, Agent Kallus. Lord Vader believes the Rebels are planning something located around the Lothal System. Can I trust you with this case?"

"You can count on me, Admiral."

"I hope I can."

Kallus left and I looked at my precious artifacts. I picked up my favorites with care, 2 lightsabers. A green single blade lightsaber and a yellowish green shoto lightsaber. They belonged to Ahsoka Tano, former Fulcrum, trained by Anakin Skywalker. I believe she is the reason why the Rebels are coming to Lothal. Sources told me she died, but Vader doesn't believe that. But we will see. And if the Rebels manage to find Ahsoka Tano alive, Kallus will find them too. And then...

"Then we execute them all.The Rebels and the two persons known as Fulcrum."

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