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Mimmi crossed her arms looking around. Goose bumps ran up her arms. Darkness surrounded her, water was in front of her and it slowly raised up, shaping and forming into a large crystal blue dragon.

Mimmi's vision bounced back into focus.

"Are you OK?" Evie asked looking into Mimmi's eyes.

"I saw.....I saw...." Mimmi stuttered as Zach stumbled through the grottos cave door.

"I saw the water dragon." Zach yelled as Mimmi whispered the words.

Evie pulled Ondina by the hand down the road.

"Hurry up." Evie hissed.

"Where are we going?" Ondina asked as she was across the street.

"Just come."  Evie pulled her into the cafe.

Zach was sitting on the counter next to Lyla, a mermaid with long blonde hair. Mimmi, Nixie and Cam all sat at one table drinking from smoothies. Weilan was talking to David and Carly and three other girls stood in the back off the cafe silently speaking to each other. Rikki: With her curly long blonde hair and grey eyes, Cleo: Has long dark brown hair and light brown eyes. Last but not least was Bella: Rather pretty with bright blue eyes and dirty blond hair in twists down her back.

Ondina raced over to Mimmi.

"Whats going on?" Ondina asked.

"Evie will explain in a second." Nixie nodded.

Cam rolled his eyes. Lyla jumped off the counter top and raced up to Evie.

"Zach told me what happened. I'm so sorry." Lyla muttered to her.

Evie smiled softly.

"Its alright." She knew what she was talking about her tail.

Mimmi walked up to the door, twisting her wrist, locking the door. She spun around and nodded to Ondina who flicked her fingers and the blinds unfolded downwards. The noise of the blinds closing caught everyone's attention.

"We have news." Zach announced.

David looked to Carly who nodded slowly.

Bella, Rikki and Cleo shifted their feet feeling out of place.

"The Water Dragon is back." Mimmi nodded to Zach.

Mako Mermaids: After the series 3Where stories live. Discover now