Turning the tide

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"What?" Bella said.

Rikki slapped her hands over her mouth, while Emma and Bella sat down.

"I gotta call Chris." Mimmi sighed, pulled out her phone Zach got her and she called.

It immediately went to voice mail.

"Hey it's Chris, you got my voice mail, please leave a message at the beep!"

Mimmi jammed her phone back in her pocket.

"Where is Chris?" Emma asked her.

"I thought Lewis, Will, Ash and Erik went to find him to start a boy search." Giggled Rikki.

"Stop it Rikki." Cleo snapped.

"It is true. I mean didn't they say they were gonna go search around where we live." Emma added.

"Really?" Mimmi said hopefully.

"Yeah, I can call him." Emma said, reaching into her empty pocket.

"Opps, I left my phone at the house." She shrugged.

"Here, take mine." Bella pulled out her own and handed it to Emma, who then called Will. After four rings he answered.

"Bella? Did you find Serena?" He asked through the phone.

"Hey Will, it's Emma." She told him.

"Oh." Will said lower.

Bella laughed. Emma rolled her eyes.

"Could I talk to Ash?" Emma asked for her boyfriend.

"Sure, here." Will said, gladly handing the phone off.

"Emma?" Said Ash.

"Ash? Hey, is Chris with you?" Emma started pacing.

She turned it off speaker.

"Oh wow."

"Yeah, nothing over here."

"I'll keep you posted."

"Uh huh, you too, bye." Emma hung up after their five minute conversation.

"So?" Said Mimmi impatiently.

"Chris never showed up. They have know idea where he is." Emma sighed.

"Where could he be?" Rikki asked Cleo who shrugged.

"Alright, 60 more." Zach yelled.

Ondina, Lyla, Nixie and surprisingly Emily groaned.

"Shouldn't you go easier on them?" Rita asked.

"No, they need to learn." Zach and Weilan said together.

Rita chuckled.

"I still don't understand why the pod can't know about this." Ondina sighed as she finished her second.

"Yeah, can't we tell them?" Emily asked, starting her fourth.

"You want Serena back right?" Weilan said.

"You know we do." Lyla sighed.

"We then get moving!" Weilan and Zach cried again.

That's when they all noticed a blonde mermaid pulling herself up the beach. The group of mer-people looked at each other then turned invisible.
A boat was quickly following them.

"Ow! That was my foot!" Cried Weilan.

"Sorry, couldn't see you." Joked Nixie.

Lyla laughed.

"Wait a second." Said Ondina.

"What?" Rita asked.

"Isn't that Chris's boat?" Ondina said.

"Yeah, it is." Zach answered.

"We better go figure out what's going on." Emily said, but you could here the thump as she tripped over Zach's foot.

"Sorry Emily!" Zach said.

Emily groaned.

"Just move!" Ondina yelled.

"And watch out for Crabs!" Weilan laughed.

"Look!" Lyla said.

"Why is Chris following Serena like a guppy on a fishing line?" Nixie said.

"Dunno." Zach sighed.

"Wait a second......" Ondina said.

Before anyone could answer Ondina yelled,

"Close your ears! Close them!"

Without question, they all slammed their hands over their ears.

"Why?" Emily asked, clamping her hands over her ears.

"It's the- it's-" Ondina started, slamming her own hands over her own ears.

"The Siren song." Ondina yelled over the soft lullaby song.

Mako Mermaids: After the series 3Where stories live. Discover now