Chapter 5

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Draco's pov

Despite being an alpha tears fell on my cheeks I immediately mink linked the pack doctor to come as soon as possible,my mates life was at a state most werewolves didn't survive a rouges bite,I swore that I'll find whoeve did this and make him wish he was never born. The pack Doctor finally arrived,he asked me to move to get a better look at her stomach, I didn't like it but I moved,"we need to get her to the pack house fast" he advised,I nodded and picked her up that's when i noticed that her sister wasn't here," Anna find my mates sister and take care of her" I ordered my betas mate since she worked with children,I shifted to get to the pack house faster.finally we arrived,I watched the pack Doctor entertain a needle in to Scarlets arm,I growled when he touched her even though he was helping her,"alpha Draco,I know you hate the idea of someone touching your mate, but you have to remember that if I don't she'll die"that immediately shut me up,the slightest thought of living without scarlet broke my heart,I didn't want to live without the love of my life. Alpha she's gonna need surgery because not only was she bit,I've found claw marks laced with silver on her shoulder" he admits,while I blinked back the tears and went to wait outside. Five hours passed I didn't know what was happening,was the surgery a success? Was scarlet alive? Is she going to be ok?, my thoughts were cut of by the door opening and the pack Doctor exiting,"Is everything going to be okay?,what happened?,was the operation a success?, he was bombarded with my questions, "scarlet's going to be fine, you got her just in time 5minutes later and she would have been dead"I could have jumped over the moon scarlet is going to be fine,she's alive, when will she wake up? I asked that's the bad news,we don't know it might be a week and it might be a month or year, Can I see her? I questioned, he nodded and I went in. My poor scarlet was sleeping,all I wanted to see where her brown-green eyes again,I took her hand and kissed each one of her small fingers,"hey love,I'm here"I said even though she probably couldn't hear me,I love you scarlet, I need you to wake up,I want to see your eyes again,hear your laugh and enjoy my life with you,you're strong enough to beat this,I know you are,anyone who goes into a rouge infested forest and attacks them for their sister is truly strong and brave,I don't care how long it take scarlet,but I know that when you open those mesmerizing eyes,I'll be here next to you" I finished and kissed her head,"because I love you"

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