Chapter 16

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Scarlet's pov
Don't worry scarlet, I'm coming I heard Draco mind link me, I almost couldn't contain my excitement, Draco was coming to save me,soon I'll be free of my father once and for all,my thoughts were interrupted by the door opening,no it wasn't my was spike. Spike what are you doing here? I asked him,I could talk now since Jim hasn't given me wolfsbane today, I made a big mistake,Luna and I hope you can forgive me, he advised looking at me with pleading eyes,that's when I smelt his scent,the same smell as the person who kidnapped me. My eyes widened,why did you kidnap me? I asked angrily,spike looked at me with a sad expression, my mate was killed by rouges,when clary,my mate,was lying on her death bed I promised her I'd kill every single rouge I find, but you are a rouge anymore you're my Luna,as the alpha of the blood red moon pack told me what he wanted to do with you,I didn't want to keep going, you have no idea how it feels to lose your mate,the one you're supposed to spend your life with,by now spike was sobbing,I hugged him,I forgive you" I advised,it was true I did ,spike was a normal werewolf before his mate was killed at least that's what Draco told me,spike hugged me back and after a while stood up,I'll try and get Jim to stop hurting you,and try finding Draco I nodded and he left

Draco's pov
Me and my pack were in our wolf forms,I was panicking once again since we lost scarlet scent,that's when a wolf jumped in front of me,I immediately recognized it, I growled, what do you want spike? You're very stupid to come face me after kidnapping my mate" I snarled
Spike shifted, listen Draco I know that you probably hate me,I don't blame you but I want to make things right, I know where scarlet is"he advised,that caught my attention,where is she? I can tell you were she is,I know I made a mistake but I want to help,you have to trust me,I nodded by now I was willing to do anything to find my mate,lets go

Spikes pov
We enter the house which scarlet is being kept when I smelt the most wonderful scent,it smelt like lavender mixed with roses,'mate! My wolf exclaimed,this must be my second chance mate,my brother must have noticed,go get her he mind linked, I did I followed her scent,what I found made me heart stop,my mate was sleeping and locked in a cell,scars,scratches and bruises covered her body,I growled at the thought of someone touching her,she woke up and when our eyes met it was as if we were the only two people left in the world, "mate" she whispered. I tore off the lock on the cell door and picked her up,while she flinched,don't be scared,what's your name beautiful? I asked, I'm annabeth" she replied.

Scarlet's pov
My father came in,I gasped when I saw what he held in his hand,a sliver knife,tears automatically began falling I knew what Jim was planning to do,"please don't do this" I begged, my father looked at me with angry and evil look,the blackshadow pack see attacking this is your fault,everything is your fault,you killed your mother" I didn't kill my mother" I yelled and stood up he raised the knife,before he used it on me a growl interrupted him,a wolf....draco my father shifted into his wolf too and before I knew it they were fighting,Jim tired biting but in the end my mate knocked him unconscious,Draco broke the chains that were on my arms and legs,I immediately kissed him, I love you so much Draco " I say and hug him,I missed you scarlet"I was about to say that I missed him to,but a figure behind Draco cut me off it was my father he had his sliver knife back and was about to strike my mate before I pushed him away,I gasped at the knife made contact with my stomach,I fell to the ground and heard a crack as my head hit the ground,scarlet!!! I heard Draco yell

Draco's pov
As she fell,I couldn't believe it,all I saw was red,I attacked her father and made sure that he died a very painful death,my worries fell back on scarlet,she was losing a lot of blood,her eyes were slowly closing,I immediately ran to her. Scarlet,love please don't leave me,I love you so much,we'll get the doctor and you'll be okay" I advised,tears already falling freely,my beautiful mate chuckled but then gasped in pain, Draco we both know  that I'm dying,I want to tell you that I love you,you made me feel important to someone I can't think of any better way then dying for the one I love" I began sobbing, don't say that scarlet,you're going to be ok,I love you so much"the love of my life smiled,I love you to Draco,remember the promise you made me,protect my sister"with that her eyes closed and her breathing slowed down,nooooo,scarlet,please come back to me,please I swear on my life that if you do,I'll be the perfect mate,I'll take you on a date marry you if you want just come back" and then nothing she was gone.

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