Chapter 14

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Draco's pov

I shifted and ran in the forest,I prayed to the moon goddess that she'll be okay a scream cut my thought.....scarlet! That made me want to find her even faster, Draco,please help! I heard my mate say faintly,"scarlet,can you hear me? Scarlet!
I knew that she was still alive,me and my wolf would know if she was...gone.this was all my fault,if I fought Ashley's command,maybe I could have avoided the kiss,scarlet wouldn't have run away and she wouldn't have been kidnapped,I don't know what I'll do if something happened to my mate. I decided to follow up on the person who took scarlet scent,that's when I realized it,I knew my mates kidnapper,I couldn't believe it,the pack member that took the love of my life,the pack member that betrayed me is my beta,my own brother, Spike.

Scarlet's pov

I opened my eyes to find myself locked up in a cell,my arms were chained to the wall and so were my legs,that's when it all came back to me, Draco kissing someone else,me running away and me getting kidnapped,I hate my life,I wonder what Harley's doing,maybe playing with the boy she has a crush on,I smiled thinking of my sister.scarlet oh god,I've been worried sick,are you okay,did someone hurt you? I heard a voice ask mentally,Draco? I asked,what do you want?arent you busy with the other she-wolf" please scarlet you've got to listen to me,I didn't cheat on you" he advised,Draco then began to tell me what happened,when he finished I was happy,my mate didn't cheat on me,Draco still loved me I'm sorry for not giving you a chance to explain" I apologized, don't worrie about that now,scarlet where are you? I-i don't know" I stuttered,Draco I'm scared I keep hearing people scream and I think I'm next" Draco growled at the thought of someone hurting me, don't worry love, me and the pack members are currently trying to search for your scent" ,e and Draco's talk was cut off by the cell door,I gulped,scarlet what's wrong?whos there? Fear instantly shot threw me,every part of me began shaking,he was here,"my father "I replied and cut the mindlink so Draco won't have to hear what happened next.

Draco's pov

Scarlet cut off the mindlink,her father was there with her,I could feel my mates feeling scared,what if he hurts her?, I couldn't bear the thought, that's when I felt it,pain,it felt like fire burning in my flesh and when I felt the pain I knew what it was and swore that when I find him I would painfully kill him and torture him,but my biggest worry was scarlet,this is all my fault,my mate was suffering because of me.

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