Chapter 10

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Draco's pov
After scarlet fainted I was worried so I immediately took her to the pack Doctor,josh,"she passed out due to shock"he advised,so many questions ran through my mind,'these were questions I wanted answered but right now my main priority was my mate,I remembered the terrified and frightened look on her face,some one was scaring my scarlet and he/she would pay dearly for that,my thoughts were interrupted when my mate started screaming and kicking,she was still unconscious but it looked like she was having a bad dream or.....flashback, "scarlet!"I yelled.

Scarlet's pov
I hate you and that your other mutt sister" he advised,"Harley has nothing to do with this" I shouted but closed my mouth when I remembered that I couldn't talk back,he punched,slapped,kicked,hurt,turned into a wolf,bit scratched and tortured me ever since I was 12 years old, my mother and me were walking in the forest one of our favorite things to do,when a group of rouges attacked,she told me to run and I didn't,I loved my mother,I didn't want her to die but she did,I watched as the rouges tore my mother apart,I screamed and cried but it was no use my mother was dead,that's when I ran,and that's when my father started abusing me. I was making my father some food when I accidentally tripped and his food crashed on him,Jim my father was furious,I knew what was coming,my biggest fear was that Harley would come here,if she did she'll get hurt,"I'm sorry father, it won't happen again" I apologized while trembling,"you good for nothing daughter,I hate you"he yelled while kicking me in the ribs and I coughed up blood,"you killed your mother,you're the reason she died,I wish you were never born"he slapped me,after my mom died,Jim turned to an aggressive,selfish alpha who hated everyone including family. He used to wrap rope around my hands and legs,every time I screamed or yelled he would whip me and torture me,when Harley was still a baby,I took care of her, I was afraid every time she would scream or cry for the bottle,afraid that the monster living at home would hurt my baby sister,sometime smack or slap her but I would stop him which resulted into more beatings for me.
Flash back over

Draco's pov
Scarlet lay sleeping peacefully on the bed,after she started screaming the pack Doctor come in and injected her with something to clam and relaxed her which
I growled at,scarlet started to stir,that's when she opened her beautiful eyes,"hey love,how are you feeling?" I asked her,"good,what happened,I don't remember falling asleep",I began explaining what happened,the letter her father,she blacked out,after I was finished a tear fell down her cheek,I quickly wiped it away,"I have to leave"my mate advised,I was shocked,why? I questioned,"why are you so afraid,why does your father want to kill you,"I asked her.

Scarlet's pov
Those were questions I didn't want to answer but Draco was my mate,I love him but would he still love me if I told him that I was abused,that I was used and broken,would he still care for me?

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