Chapter 12

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Draco's pov
After I promised my mate that no harm would come to her,we lied down on my bed,I held her waist while she put her head on my chest,"Draco?
Yes love I answered do you really love me? My eyes widened,how could she not believe that I love her, of course I love you,you're my life" she smiled,"then mark me" are you sure? I asked her, scarlet nodded,"I want everyone to know that I have a wounded full and amazing mate,which I love"she admitted I stood up and help her to her feet,I pulled her into a kiss,I continued kissing her until I ended up to Scarlets neck, I'm sorry" I apologized for the pain I was about to give her and put my teeth in her neck making her mine.
Scarlet's pov
Draco kissed me one more time which made me shiver in delight and plunged his canines into my neck,I whimpered in pain,I felt as if fire was burning through my veins but the pain quickly turned into pleasure,I felt butterflies in my stomach,Draco pulled away and licked my new mark,I love you"I whispered breathlessly, I love you more"he said. "Your turn"I nodded,now I had to mark him,I kissed Draco,my normal teeth turned to my wolfs,I kissed the spot that I was going to mark him and sunk my teeth into his neck making my mark,as I pulled away I could see love and lust I'm his eyes,somehow I knew that mine looked the same,I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss,which he instantly kissed back,sparks flew,we continued making out until we both had to pull away for air,
"God,scarlet what are you doing to me?" I smirked,I've got the big alpha wrapped around my finger" Draco smiled,that you do" we then both got into bed to get some sleep, scarlet you know I love you right? I nodded,"I know I said sleepy,I love you too"with that I closed my eyes and sleep engulfed me, the sun coming out of the window and woke me up, I hate mornings, I muttered,I tired getting up but was trapped with iron like chains which were known as my mates arms wrapped around my waist, Draco let me go" I whined,he shook his head,and tightened his hold on me,"I like you here,near me"he said drowsily,you mean in your death grip? He nodded,I decided to lay back down,the next time I woke up I looked at the clock....3:20 oh my god, Draco wake up! I yelled,he immediately woke up,what?who?,chocolate cookies? He said what's wrong? My mate asked, we slept in its 3:20,we're late for the pack meeting which is being held by you"I replied,his eyes widened,I quickly took a shower and put some casual clothes on,Draco did the same,as we got out I realized that I forgot my bag,you go on I just have to get my bag I say and peck his lips,Draco shook his head,I'll wait for you don't be long" I nodded my head and went to get my bag,I couldn't find it anywhere and it was taking to long so I went outside,I couldn't fin- the view in front of me cut me off and made me gasp,tears began falling on my cheeks
Draco was kissing someone else
How could he?

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