Chapter 9

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Draco's  pov

Okay I can do this I murmured to myself,I'm the alpha for the moon goddess's sake,I can easily ask out my mate my thoughts were interrupted by the most wonderful scent that belonged to scarlet, are you talking to yourself? She asked,I shook my head,I know how to do it my wolf said mentally and began telling me the plan,I got down on one knee,scarlet gasped,"look Draco ,I know we're ,mates and all but I can't marry you not yet we're to young an-I cut her off,"scarlet I'm not purposing,not now anyway"she blushed, "oh", I was wondering if you scarlet sin would like to go on a date with me? I asked she nodded I'd love to she smiled I would give away anything to see her smile like that,I realized that I problly look weird staring at her,"okay so I'll send my sister Anna with some clothes,we'll leave at 7:30 okay but where are we going?" She questioned while I smirked, that's for me to know and for you to find out love

Scarlet's pov
Anna,Draco's sister,started squealing as soon as she saw me,over the weeks me and her really got close and became best friends,her mate is the beta,spike,"I heard about your date,don't worry I've got everything planned out,the clothes,make up,hair......everything"Anna squealed
You're the best Anna"I complement"don't you forget it"she smirked,Anna didn't look anything like Draco,she had blonde hair and grey eyes while Draco had black hair and bright,dazzling,hypnotizing blue eyes,which every time I look at them,i get lost.
I begged Anna not to do to much make up and to be honest I didn't want to wear a dress but she insisted,as you can see I'm not much of a girly girl,finally she was done I had to admit she really did a good job,my hair was curled,I wore a strapless royal blue dress,Anna had applied some light make up,like lip gloss and a little mascara,but that's all,her exact words were,"natural beauty is the greatest kind of beauty",when did she turn poetic and after hours of torture,dresses,make up....we were done,I looked amazing.
Draco's pov
I was waiting for scarlet downstairs,I couldn't wait to see her,Harley was playing with one of the young pups she looked just like scarlet except younger and I loved her just like a sister,my thoughts were interrupted by Anna my real annoying sister but I still love her to death,
"Ladies and gentlemen,may I present,my brothers beautiful mate,scarlet Sinz",when she came out my law dropped,I didn't think scarlet could get even more beautiful,"do you like it?she asked me,I gaped at her,"are you kidding?i love it,you're the most beautiful she wolf in the whole universe"she blushed,she looked really cute with her rosy cheeks,
Now are you going to tell me where we're going?"
I shook my head,"not yet love",she huffed but didn't say anything else,I drove my black dodge truck,to our date spot.

Scarlet's pov
I gasped,it was kind of a picnic area,thank the goddess my dress wasn't short or uncomfortable,"Draco,I love this"I say and hug him,I've saved the best for last"he advised,I was confused,what could be more better than this,he shrugged,we sat down and started eating while playing 20 questions,
When we finished, I learned that his favorite color was blue,he never had a serious relationship with a girl,his family died due to a rouge attack...
Draco looked at the time, "come on scarlet it's starting"he said while dragging me to a perfect view of the sky, "what are you doing? "I asked him, "wait" and I did I waited for a full five minutes despite my curiosity,that's when the first firework lit up in the sky,I never really seen fireworks before,just heard about them,that they were beautiful,now I can speak from experience they really were beautiful,
"This is amazing Draco"I explained and gasped as I saw the last firework which said, scarlet + Draco forever
I blinked the tears of joy in my eyes, "I love you Draco more than the stars in the sky"
And I love you scarlet,more than the universe which is endless,we began to lean in about to kiss,literally a millimeter apart but before we could spike,Draco's beta interrupted us,Draco wolf wanted out,so I quickly grabbed his hand which calmed him down,
"I'm sorry alpha" spike apologized," but I have terrible new,we found a letter in the pack house"
"So what was in the letter?" My mate asked
Spike gulped,"it said and I quote," surrender and give me the soon to be Luna or I'll declare war",Draco growled and wrapped his arms around my waist,"and who was it from?"he asked and gritted his teeth," The alpha of the red blood pack"my face turned pale and my eyes were filled with tears,"love,what's wrong?"Draco asked worriedly,I shook my head,"this can't be happening"I muttered to myself,"the alpha of the red blood pack is my father"I whispered,still hadn't told my mate about my abusive dad, "what does he want with you?
I started seeing black dots in my vision,the world began to spin round,"he wants to kill me"I muttered before everything went black,so much for a perfect date.

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